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An echo is a distinct repetition of the original sound. The reflection of sound from a cliff face for example. A flutter echo is s separate class of echoes (according to the acousticians), and will be experienced in a relatively bare room, where an impulse sound such as a clap will be heard multiple times, but quickly decreasing in volume. Your bathroom might be a good place to try for one.

In a concert hall (or a lecture room), an early reflection of the sound will not be perceived as a separate signal, but will aid in better understanding of the source, and may in fact be the source of the majority of the signal at that point. The source of the sound will still be seen as that from which the signal was first heard. Our ears have some truly remarkable properties.

Reverberation is the sustained repetition of echoes of the original sound. A small amount of reverberation is a desired feature in a concert hall, as it adds warmth to the sound. But excessive reverberation; as in many cathedrals for example; seriously interferes with the understanding of speech. It suits organ music very well.

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Q: What are sound waves that bounce back and forth?
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Wave that moves back and forth?

True. The up-down type of wave is called a "transverse wave". Light, for example, is this kind of wave. Sound, however, is a different kind of wave. It is the back-forth type, called "longitudinal", or "compression" waves.

Why is it not possible to use sonar to determine the speed of an object travelling faster than the speed of sound?

Sonar uses sound waves to measure distances by calculating the time it takes for the sound waves to bounce back. However, when an object is traveling faster than the speed of sound, the sound waves emitted by the sonar system cannot catch up with the object to bounce back, making it impossible to accurately determine the speed of the object using sonar.

Why do voices echo?

Voices echo when sound waves hit a hard surface and are reflected back with minimal absorption. This creates multiple sound waves bouncing back and forth between surfaces, resulting in the perception of echo.

When you make sounds by plucking a rubber band you make the rubber band move back and forth very quickly this movement is called?

Vibration. The back and forth motion of the rubber band creates sound waves that we perceive as sound.

Sonar machines rely on which property of sound waves?

Sonar machines rely on the property of sound waves that allows them to bounce off objects and return to the source, a phenomenon known as echo. By calculating the time it takes for the sound wave to bounce back, sonar machines can determine the distance and location of objects underwater.

Related questions

Do sound sound waves travel up or down and back or forth?

Sound waves travel in all directions as they propagate through a medium. They produce compressions and rarefactions, moving back and forth parallel to the direction of wave propagation.

When the sound waves hit the ocean floor they bounce back or?

yes they bounce back now can i ask a question

How do curtains and carpets help in acoustical control?

A simple answer from a simple man. Sound waves travel until they hit something solid and then bounce back. Carpet and curtains are not even solid surfaces where sound waves can bounce back from. If they (the sound waves), have nothing to bounce from they stop traveling. The material of the carpet and curtain actually redirects the sound waves throughout the material instead of coming back to you.

What are echoes and how are they formed?

Echoes are reflected sound waves that result from the bouncing back of sound off a surface. When sound waves encounter a hard and smooth surface, they bounce back and can be heard as an echo. The time it takes for the sound waves to reflect back determines the distance and intensity of the echo.

What are waves that bounce back called?

Waves that bounce back are called reflected waves. This occurs when a wave encounters a boundary or obstacle that prevents it from passing through, causing it to bounce off in the opposite direction. Reflection is a common phenomenon in various types of waves, such as light waves and sound waves.

How does an echo work?

An echo happens when sound waves bounce off an object. That's why if you scream into a hollow cave, there is an echo. Because the sound waves bounce off the walls and back at you

How do sound waves travel what do sound waves need in order to travel?

Sound waves travel by causing particles in a medium (such as air, water, or solids) to vibrate back and forth. They require a medium to travel through, as they cannot travel in a vacuum. When a sound source, such as a speaker or a voice, vibrates, it creates compressions and rarefactions in the medium, which propagate as sound waves.

Echoes demonstrate which behavior of sound waves?

Echoes demonstrate the reflection behavior of sound waves, where sound waves bounce off a surface and return back to the listener's ears.

Sound waves are created by particles moving back and forth or?


What waves are caused by the back and forth movement or vibreation of and object?

Sound waves are caused by the back and forth movement or vibration of an object. This motion creates pressure variations in the surrounding medium, which propagate as waves.

How does multiple reflection occur in a stethoscope?

Multiple reflections in a stethoscope occur when sound waves bounce back and forth between the chest piece, tubing, and earpieces. This repeated reflection of sound waves helps amplify and transmit the sound of the heartbeat or lung sounds to the listener's ears, enhancing the quality and clarity of the sound being heard.

These waves cause back and forth motion?

That would likely be a mechanical or longitudinal wave, where the particles of the medium oscillate back and forth along the direction of wave propagation, creating the motion. Examples include sound waves and seismic waves.