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There are very many popular games one may play on a cell phone. Some are available as actual game downloads, others are available as apps. Recently, games such as Angry Birds, Candy Crush Saga, and Farmville have become hugely popular.

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Q: What are some popular games to play on a cell phone?
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any kind of phone that has Internet.

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Someone can download games for a Sprint cell phone from a number of websites such as the Google Play Store. The Google Play Store allows consumers to download games directly onto their cell phones.

How do you play games on a cell phone?

It depends on what cell phone you got. Most phones have a game/entertainment category in the menu.

Where are the best cell phone games for free on the internet?

It depends on the style of gaming that you are looking to play, but one of the most popular games for download is the game angry birds fights back.

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A person can find games to play on their phone while sitting in a cafe, if they have an android phone they can play games online. If they do not have an android phone there are still games installed on most cell phones.

What demographic is mostly to play games on a cell phone?

teenage girls

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There are a number of websites where one can find plane games for a cell phone. They can be downloaded from the Apple Store or Google Play Store as well as 'MPBus'.

Where can I get cell phone games for free?

Depending on your phone you can got to free apps its normally free games on there. Or you can get a monthly subscriptions to play games on your phone but the best place to find free games is in your app or market depending on your type of phone.

What websites have Pokemon games?

I think either a Nintendo or Pokemon but I don't know Does it cost anything to play them and can you play them without a Cell Phone?

What does it mean when a girl asks to play games on your phone?

That she wants to play games on your phone.....