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First off, you DO need a degree. The Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology. A degree Marine Biology is usually accomplished through a Bachelor of Science degree with a stream in marine biology, however course titles vary according to institutions.

Marine Biology is a multidisciplinary field of study, linking Biology and the ecology, as well as other environmental sciences. A marine biology degree provides students with a vast range of opportunities to study marine organism fundamentals, especially in relation to biology as well as to genetics, conservation and aquaculture.

Possible subjects through out a marine biology degree include the following:

* Biology * Chemistry * Statistics * Conservation biology * Ecology of Marine Organisms * Biological Oceanography * Marine Mammal Biology * Community Ecology * Plant Speciation and Evolution * Cell Biology

Note: Marine biology is continually changing, as the new advances in biology continue, genetic research is playing an important role in analysing in species. Source:

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1mo ago

Physical requirements for marine biologists may include the ability to swim proficiently, lift heavy equipment, work in various weather conditions, and endure long periods at sea. Good physical fitness and stamina are important for conducting fieldwork in marine environments.

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15y ago

Obviously you need to know how to swim and be in shape, but I also know that you can't have any physical handicaps because Stephen Colbert wanted to be a marine biologist but he became deaf in one ear so he couldn't dive under water.

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14y ago

You work in laboratories, and sometimes have to go to sea in research ships.

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What are some major accomplishments made by marine biologists?

Some major accomplishments made by marine biologists include discovering new marine species, studying the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems, developing conservation strategies to protect marine biodiversity, and advancing our understanding of marine food webs and habitats.

Who are some famous Filipino marine biologists?

Some famous Filipino marine biologists include Dr. Kent E. Carpenter, Dr. Angel C. Alcala, and Dr. Gisela P. Concepcion. They have made significant contributions to marine biology research and conservation in the Philippines and internationally.

Do marine biologists work for themselves?

Some marine biologists may work independently as consultants or researchers, but many are employed by universities, government agencies, aquariums, or non-profit organizations. Working independently typically requires securing funding and resources for research projects.

Where would you have to move to be a marine biologist?

Marine biologists can work in a variety of locations, including coastal regions, research institutes, aquariums, and offshore research vessels. To pursue a career as a marine biologist, it is helpful to be near the ocean or a marine research facility where you can conduct research and fieldwork.

Does marine biology include penguins?

Yes, marine biology can include the study of penguins because they are seabirds that spend a large part of their lives in the ocean. Marine biologists may study penguins' behavior, reproductive strategies, foraging habits, and the impact of environmental changes on their populations.

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What exactly do marine biologists do?

Marine biologists study marine life and ecosystems, conducting research to understand marine organisms, their behavior, and habitats. They may conduct field work, analyze data, and contribute to conservation efforts to protect marine species and environments. Marine biologists may work in government agencies, research institutions, conservation organizations, or educational institutions.

What are some major accomplishments made by marine biologists?

Some major accomplishments made by marine biologists include discovering new marine species, studying the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems, developing conservation strategies to protect marine biodiversity, and advancing our understanding of marine food webs and habitats.

Is there a job that deals with marine life and medicine?

Marine Biologists deal with marine life and Pharmacists deal with medicine. Some pharmacists are looking at marine life as a source of new medicines.

What are some risks in being a marine biologists?

Some risks of being a marine biologist include exposure to dangerous marine life, rough sea conditions, and potential risks associated with fieldwork such as boat accidents. Additionally, environmental hazards like pollution and climate change can also pose health risks for marine biologists working in the field.

Who are some famous Filipino biologists and what are their contributions?

Egardo Gomez is a famous marine biologist who did reaserch for the countries foundation of marine biology knowledge. Is that good?

Are marine biologists paid salary or hourly?

Marine biologists are typically paid a salary, based on their experience, qualifications, and the organization they work for. Some may also take on consulting or freelance work, which could be paid on an hourly basis.

Who are some famous Filipino marine biologists?

Some famous Filipino marine biologists include Dr. Kent E. Carpenter, Dr. Angel C. Alcala, and Dr. Gisela P. Concepcion. They have made significant contributions to marine biology research and conservation in the Philippines and internationally.

Do you need a uniform for working as a marine biologist?

It depends on the specific job requirements and workplace. Some marine biologists may need to wear a uniform, such as a wetsuit for fieldwork or a lab coat in a research facility, while others may not have a strict uniform policy.

Does a marine biologist make a lot of money?

Salaries for marine biologists can vary depending on factors such as experience, education, employer, and geographic location. Generally, marine biologists do not typically make as much as some other professions, but they can still earn a decent living. Passion for the field often plays a significant role in pursuing a career as a marine biologist.

Do marine biologists work for themselves?

Some marine biologists may work independently as consultants or researchers, but many are employed by universities, government agencies, aquariums, or non-profit organizations. Working independently typically requires securing funding and resources for research projects.

What is the role of a marine biologist?

A marine biologist studies marine organisms, their behaviors, habitats, and interactions with the environment. They may conduct research, help to conserve marine ecosystems, and provide recommendations for sustainable marine resource management. Marine biologists also often work to educate the public and raise awareness about marine conservation issues.

Marine Biology?

An individual who works in marine biology may pursue specific niches in ocean studies. One marine biologist may study elements found in the ocean, whereas another may prefer studying ocean currents and their effects on living organisms, or vice versa. No matter what their respective niches, all marine biologists possess passions for the study and preservation of oceanic environments. Furthermore, marine biologists seek to educate the public, usually regarding the impact that human activity has on nearby bodies of water and the marine life dwelling there. The study of marine biology requires individuals to focus heavily on science and mathematics. Many marine biologists work in labs to analyze samples of minerals and other elements found in oceanic bodies of water, which means that they must understand lab science and the mathematics necessary to perform complex calculations. Therefore, it is imperative for budding marine biologists to study math and science as early in their academic careers as possible, ensuring that they meet the prerequisites for marine biology courses. Science is not for everyone, so individuals should take the demanding nature of the field into account. One common misconception about marine biologists is that they study all forms of ocean life, including mammals, but this is not always the case. The study of marine mammals like whales, manatees, seals, and dolphins usually falls to zoologists who place emphasis on studying marine animals. Some marine biologists may also choose to study fish and marine mammals, but most marine biologists limit themselves to studying the ocean in general, pinpointing its significant contributions to human life, the environment, and marine ecology in general. Preservation is an important aspect of marine biology. Marine biologists may not study all forms of marine life, but they value their contributions to the underwater ecosystem and understand that conditions in the water may lead to problems for fish and marine mammals. For instance, a marine biologist may conduct studies off-shore to determine the toxicity levels in the water if the volume of marine life in that area have been dwindling. Protecting the ocean is a prominent concern, particularly in seaside countries that rely on fishing for income and food, making marine biologists indispensable in the event of disturbances in oceanic ecosystems.