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Q: What are some physical property that will help Greg to identify the metal most accurately?
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What is the physical property of a non-metal?

what is the physical property of a non-metal

Is shiny metal a physical property or chemical property?

Shiny metal is a physical property because it can be observed without changing the chemical composition of the metal. It is a characteristic related to how light interacts with the surface of the metal.

How do identify a metal that is .39?

To identify a metal, you would need more specific information such as its physical and chemical properties, spectral analysis, or conduct various tests like density, melting point, and reactivity with chemicals. Simply knowing its mass (0.39) is not enough to identify the metal accurately.

Is ductitty a physical property of metal?

No, ductility is a physical property of metal that refers to its ability to deform under tensile stress without breaking. It is not something called ductitty.

Is length of metal object a chemical property or a physical property?

Length is a physical property. Any measure of size or mass is a physical property.

Is sodium metal exploding in water a physical property?

No, sodium metal exploding in water is a chemical reaction, not a physical property. Physical properties are characteristics that can be observed or measured without changing the substance's composition, such as color, density, or melting point.

A metal melts at 450 degrees celsius is the property of the metal classified as chemical or physical property?

The property of melting at 450 degrees Celsius is a physical property of the metal because it does not involve a change in the chemical composition of the metal. It is simply a characteristic related to its physical state at a specific temperature.

Is the ability of metal to rust a physical property?

no. it is chemical i think

Trait used to identify something?

A distinguishing characteristic or quality that is unique to a particular thing or individual. Traits are used to differentiate one thing from another based on specific features or behaviors.

Is cutting metal into wire a physical or chemical property?

Physical. The metal is still metal, even though now it's wire-shaped.

Is soft metal chemical property?

Softness is a physical property of metals, not a chemical one. The softness of a metal is determined by its crystal structure and the presence of defects or impurities in the metal's lattice structure, rather than its chemical composition.

Is luster a typical physical property of metals?

Luster is a physical property of crystals.