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Antoine Lavoisier is known for finding out how materials burn. and many other things.

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Antoine Lavoisier is considered the father of modern chemistry. Some of his key contributions include establishing the law of conservation of mass, helping to develop the metric system, and conducting early work on identifying and naming chemical elements.

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13y ago

He invented one of the firsts Perodic Tables

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Who were Antoine Lavoisier's parents?

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What is Antoine Lavoisier's birthday?

Antoine Lavoisier was born on August 26, 1743.

When did Antoine lavoisier moms die?

Antoine Lavoisier's mother died in 1776.

When did Antoine Lavoisier name hydrogen?

Antoine Lavoisier named hydrogen in 1783.

What is the nickname or short name of Antoine Lavoisier?

french chemist who proved the law of conversation of mass

What are some places named after Antoine Lavoisier?

the Lavoisier lunar craterLavoisier IslandPlease see the link.

Who was Antoine Lavoisier's father?

Antoine Lavoisier's father was a wealthy Parisian lawyer named Jean-Antoine Lavoisier. He provided his son with a good education and financial support, which allowed Antoine to pursue his scientific interests.

Who formulated the present theory of combustion?

Antoine Lavoisier

How old was Antoine Lavoisier at death?

Antoine Lavoisier was 50 years old when he was executed by guillotine on May 8, 1794 during the French Revolution.

How Antoine Laurent Lavoisier referred heat?

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier referred heat by feeling it

Why Antoine Lavoisier contribution important?

Antoine Lavoisier is known as the father of modern chemistry for his work in establishing the law of conservation of mass and recognizing and naming oxygen and hydrogen. His experiments using quantitative methods laid the foundation for modern chemistry and helped to disprove the theory of phlogiston. His contributions were crucial in changing the field of chemistry from a qualitative to a quantitative science.

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