CottonAlfalfaNatural gasCoalOilPotatoesSugar beetsCornCattleSheepRubiesSapphiresGoldSilverCopper
The modern development has helped people take advantage of the natural resources available in the west by immigrating to the west. Most of the people who do heavy labor work at the mines are usually the immigrants.
Natural sources in the western United States include the Rocky Mountains, Pacific Ocean, Mojave Desert, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, and Redwood forests. These regions provide a diverse range of resources such as minerals, water, timber, and recreational opportunities.
The West often takes natural resources such as oil, gas, minerals, and agricultural products from the East. In addition, the West may also benefit from cheap labor in manufacturing industries located in Eastern countries.
The natural borders of the United States include the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Gulf of Mexico to the southeast, and the Canadian border to the north.
Some of the natural resources of the West Indies are gas and petroleum. Another natural resource of the West Indies are its pristine beaches.
Some of West Virginia's most important Natural Resources are coal, oil, and natural gas.
What are some natural resources in west Africa
water to drink,food to eat,and crops to farm and animal to rais and eat
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Some of West Virginia's natural resources include coal, timber and oil. Other natural resources are limestone, natural gas, clay, salt and sand.
Minerals, coal, natural-gas liquids, stone, petroleum, sand, gravel and timber. By RS
cotton cotton
textiles and minerals
Some of the Natural Resources that west Africa has are: Gold, platinum, cobalt, chromium, oil, water, wood and diamond.-Hope that helped!6L1 girlMark Twain IS239(\__/)(='.'=)(")_(")
Some resources are: Lead, oil, coal, gold, ore, and water ( but this region is mostly desert) Some other resources that aren't as big are: copper, zinc, uranium, and silver