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helium is used for deep sea fishing.

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Helium is the second most abundant element in the universe, after hydrogen. It is the only element that was discovered first in space before being found on Earth. Helium has the lowest boiling point of all the elements and is commonly used in cryogenics and as a coolant in various applications.

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What are interesting facts about meteorology?

meteors are 90000 miles per hour

What is one interesting fact about belgium?

Belgium has a long history and many interesting facts. One interesting fact about Belgium is that they legalized euthanasia in 2002 and gay marriage in 2003.

What is the 5 interesting fact about neptune?

There are a variety of interesting facts about the planet Neptune. There are 14 moons of Neptune, and the surface temperature is about -201 degrees Celsius.

What objects contain helium?

Helium can be found in balloons, airships, helium tanks, and some types of communication and medical equipment like MRI machines and cryogenic systems.

What are some examples of chemical properties in helium?

Helium is chemically inert; it does not combine with any other element.

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