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metal, a book, a house. like, random things that are NON-LIVING.


the answer above is incorrect. the definition of inorganic is anything that is not made from the remains of living things. steak is is not living, but it is organic because it is the remains of a living thing. (cow) the house and a book are incorrect, because they are made from wood which is a remain of a living thing. (trees). metal is correct, because it is made from materials in the earths core

im sorry but both the answers above are incorrect. i have the best science teacher in the world and she only has taught me the best :P something that is inorganic does not contain carbon.

The last answer is totally incorrect because if you say " sth that is inorganic does not contain carbon", then what will you say for compounds such as calcium carbonate (CaCO3), as well as the elemental forms of carbon diamond and graphite??? that are clearly inorganic. Therefore, organic chemistry can be defined as compounds that contain both carbon and hydrogen. Inorganic chemistry covers all chemical compounds except which are the subjects of organic chemistry.


Calcium Carbonate (chalk or limestone) is formed by living organisms, as is Carbon Dioxide, neither of which contain hydrogen yet are both organic compounds. Simply put organic chemistry deals with the chemicals created or used by living organisms in conjunction with the carbon atom which is the basis for all life known to man. "carbon based life forms".

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Organic compounds: methane, ethylene, Teflon, acetic acid, aspirin, vitamin C etc.

Inorganic compounds: alumina, manganese dioxide, uranium dioxide, calcium chloride, plutonium nitride, gallium arsenide, sulfur tetrafluoride, borazon etc.

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