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The controversies are largely political rather than scientific. Virtually all climate scientists concur human activity is responsible for most of the current measured temperature change.

Here is a typical list of "controversies."

1. The sun is the source of earth's heat, and the cause of current warming.

While it is true the sun warms earth's surface (earth's interior is instead warmed by the slow decay of long lived nuclear isotopes), there has been no significant change in solar output over the past four decades. Nor has there been any particularly unusual solar activity in the past four hundred years, since Galileo first began making telescopic solar observations.

2. Man cannot alter his environment.

This is patently absurd.

3. Since past climate change was NOT the result of human activity, the present climate change cannot possibly be the result of human activity.

4. Earth is actually cooling.

This is contradicted by average global temperature measurements.

5. Science is unreliable, and climate scientists in particular are all liberal idiots conspiring to demolish the global economy.

6. Plants and animals evolved before, they can rapidly adapt to new changes.

7. Ice ages were predicted in the 1970s.

The statement above is largely false. Whereas one or two popular press articles concerned oncoming ice ages, these were not considered incipient, nor are there peer reviewed papers in climate science journals predicting ice ages on the basis of human carbon emissions.

8. "Climategate" proves evil scientists colluded to destroy western civilization.

Back in reality, none of the e-mail stolen from East Anglia University implicate scientists in any malfeasance or wrong doing whatsoever, according to four independent investigations. Furthermore, subsequent analysis of the temperature data also reveal earth has been warming at an accelerated rate.

Finally, climate models run by four major independent laboratories (National Center for Atmospheric Research, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Hadley Center for Climate Prediction and Research, and the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology) all indicate a strong positive correlation between anthropogenic CO2 and global warming.

9. Volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans.

Completely false. USGS data indicates humans now emit more than 100 times as much CO2 as all earth's volcanoes and ocean out gassing combined. The statement came from a conflation of something Rush Limbaugh once said about Chlorofluorocarbons (CFS) with CO2--which also happened to be false.

Many of these controversies have been manufactured by the Heartland Institute, a Propaganda organ of the oil industry. This same group was earlier responsible for promoting the myth there was no connection between cigarettes and lung cancer.

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3mo ago

Some controversies of the theory of global warming include debates about the extent to which human activities contribute to climate change, the accuracy of climate models and predictions, and the economic implications of implementing policies to combat global warming. Additionally, there are disagreements among scientists, policymakers, and the public about the urgency and severity of global warming and its potential impacts.

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Why are kids being taught that global warming is a fact in school when it is an unproven theory at best?

The vast majority of climate scientists agree that global warming is happening due to human activities. Schools teach about global warming based on this scientific consensus. It's important for students to learn about this topic to understand the potential impact of human actions on the planet.

Where did global warming majorly occur?

Global warming has occurred across the globe, impacting various regions differently. However, some regions that have experienced significant effects of global warming include the Arctic, where temperatures are rising at twice the global average, and low-lying island nations like the Maldives and Tuvalu, which are threatened by sea-level rise. Additionally, areas with glaciers have witnessed rapid melting due to global warming.

Are landslides getting worse because of global warming?

Landslides happen because of increased rain softening the earth on the side of a mountain. They also occur where people have removed trees which anchored the earth. Removing trees has an effect on global warming, and one of the results of global warming is increased rainfall in some areas. So there is some connection.

What is a good opening sentence Hook for a persuasive essay on global warming?

"Imagine a world where our planet's delicate balance is disrupted, leaving future generations to face the catastrophic consequences of our actions - this is the reality of global warming."

Has global warming been occoring a lot of decades?

Apparently there was some warming for decades, but there has now been none for nearly twenty years.

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Some major theories in science include the Big Bang Theory, the theory of Global Warming, and the Theory of Evolution.

Where did Al Gore get his interest in global warming from?

Al Gore got his interest in global warming from the works of reputable scientists who have been concerned about the phenomena for some time now. Although the theory is debated in some political circles, scientists have reached a general consensus about the validity of the theory, and on the likely causes.

What are some global warming videos?

You can find videos on Type global warming into the search.

Stop global warming slogan?

There are thousands of slogans that are available for stopping global warming. Some of these slogans include "Global Warming: We have a solution, stop pollution" and "Penguins are on Thin Ice: Stop Global Warming".

How old is global warming?

Global warming as a concept has been recognized since the late 19th century, but its significant impacts on the Earth's climate and environment have become more pronounced in the last few decades due to human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels.

Can you give me some captions on global warming?

Save earth, Save life...Stop global warming.

Why do some scientists believe global warming is a threat world wide?

Because it is GLOBAL, not local warming.

What are some world issues?

Global Warming

Why are kids being taught that global warming is a fact in school when it is an unproven theory at best?

The vast majority of climate scientists agree that global warming is happening due to human activities. Schools teach about global warming based on this scientific consensus. It's important for students to learn about this topic to understand the potential impact of human actions on the planet.

Why don't Al Gore send us some of that global warming that he believes in?

You are obviously suffering from inclement weather. Part of the global warming prediction is that our climate may get more extremes. Perhaps you are receiving some of that global warming he believes in!

What are some examples of global issues?

Some examples of global issues are global warming, human population, health issues...

Do street colors affect global warming?

Yes street colours do effect global warming. A freshly painted street colour consists of some chemical compounds which go of in the atmosphere effecting global warming.