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Some Mexican nationals with their inventions include:

  • Miguel de Icaza and Federico Mena: GNOME (GNU Network Model Environment) GUI for Unix/Linux Operating Systems.
  • Armando M. Fernández: the mousepad.
  • Guillermo Gonzales Camarena: Color television.
  • Luis Miramontes: co-inventor of Contraceptive pill.
  • Victor Celorio: Book On Demand, as well as a set of Distributed Printing technologies in which an e-book is distributed among many printing centers as required for immediate production and delivery.
  • Jose Hernandez Rebollar: Acceleglove, a glove that can translate sign language into speech.
  • Heberto Castillo: Tridilosa, a light and highly resistant material made from steel and concrete and widely used in civil engineering.
  • Maria Gonzales: Invasive amebiasis diagnostic methods.
  • Felipe Vadillo: Method of predicting premature fetal membrane rupture in pregnant women.
  • Juan Lozano: The rocket belt.
  • Emilio Sacristan: air-pressure powered driver for pneumatic ventricular assist device (VAD).

Some older, low-tech inventions include:

  • The '$' sign, used by many currencies around the world.
  • Mexico introduced chocolate to the world (Aztec: xocolatl), (Maya: chocolha).
  • Also corn, beans, tomatoes and many species of squash were domesticated in Mexico.
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

Some Mexican inventions include color television (by Guillermo GonzΓ‘lez Camarena), the contraceptive pill (by Luis Miramontes), and the first oral contraceptive (by Jorge Rosenkranz). Additionally, Mexicans invented the first portable digital calculator (by Hugo Gernsback) and made contributions to fields such as astronomy, mathematics, and medicine.

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How many inventions did Louis Pasteur make?

Louis Pasteur is credited with many inventions and discoveries in the fields of microbiology and food safety. Some of his notable inventions include the pasteurization process, vaccines for diseases like rabies and anthrax, and various techniques for studying microorganisms. Overall, he made significant contributions to science and medicine through his inventions and research.

What things were intvented by Canadains?

Some notable inventions by Canadians include insulin, the electric wheelchair, and the snowmobile. Other Canadian inventions include the pacemaker, the BlackBerry smartphone, and the Canadarm used on the Space Shuttle.

What are the inventions in optics?

Some key inventions in optics include the microscope, telescope, eyeglasses, camera, and laser. These inventions have greatly advanced our understanding of the physical world by allowing us to see things on both the micro and macro scales. They play crucial roles in fields such as astronomy, biology, photography, and telecommunications.

What Mexican city borders the US?

Tijuana is a Mexican city that borders the US, specifically with San Diego, California. It is located in the state of Baja California.

What are some stone age inventions?

Some stone age inventions include tools such as stone axes, knives, and scrapers for hunting and gathering, as well as the creation of fire for cooking and warmth. Additionally, the development of basic pottery for storing and cooking food was also an important innovation during the stone age.

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