Snow chains are metal chains wrapped around the front and rear tires and motor vehicles. They are used to provide extra traction in conditions such as thick snow and ice.
It is guaranteed that it will snow somewhere. Whether or not you will get snow depends on where you live.
All of the snow in Antarctica -- is snow in Antarctica.
snow cat
Well, honey, Snow Devil snow blowers are manufactured by a company called Snow Devil. It's right there in the name, isn't it? They specialize in making machines to help you tackle that pesky snow, so if you're in the market for a snow blower, you might want to check them out.
Snow...preferably pack snow
Chans was created on 2000-11-22.
En andra chans - 2002 is rated/received certificates of: Sweden:7
sonny with a chans
Bruce Lee
yulan chan and ?
Nope.Yes, he is dead!
50 50 chans
Champs Elysee