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lateral moraine

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5d ago

These ridges are called lateral moraines. They are formed by the debris and sediment that accumulates along the edges of the glacier as it moves downhill. When the glacier melts, it deposits this material, creating distinct ridges along the sides of the valley.

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Q: What are ridges that form on the sides of glacial valleys as a glacier melts?
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What is the difference between glacier erosion and glacial deposition?

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Glacier erosion is when the ground below the glacier is removed. Glacial deposition is when the debris (eroded ground) is left behind when a glacier melts and the face retreats.

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Ridge consisting of unsorted sediments deposited at the sides of a glacier?

The ridge is called a lateral moraine, which forms when unsorted sediments are deposited along the sides of a glacier as it flows downhill. This accumulation of debris is typically carried by the glacier and then left behind as the glacier retreats or melts. Lateral moraines can provide valuable information about past glacial activity and the direction of glacier movement.

Are glaciers agents of erosion?

Yes. Look at any glacial (u-shaped) valley and the terminal moraine at the end where the glacier melts.

Are glaciers an agent of erosion?

Yes. Look at any glacial (u-shaped) valley and the terminal moraine at the end where the glacier melts.

What is a glacial till?

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What happens where a glacier enters the sea?

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What does a glacier deposit as it recedes?

As a glacier recedes, it deposits materials such as rocks, sand, and gravel that were previously frozen within the ice. These deposits are known as glacial moraines and can vary in size and composition depending on the glacier's movement and the type of material it picks up along its path.