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Jamir Kuhn

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The p75 neurotrophin receptor is activated during tissue injury.

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Q: What are receptors that detect tissue damage?
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What the receptors that detect tissue damage?


What are the receptors that detect tissue?


What are the receptors that detected tissue damage called?

Pain Receptors

What is another name for nociceptors?

Nociceptors are also known as pain receptors. These specialized nerve cells detect potentially damaging stimuli and send signals to the brain warning of potential tissue damage, resulting in the sensation of pain.

What receptors are stimulated by tissue damage?

Nociceptors are stimulated by tissue damage and are also called pain receptorsSourceIntroduction to the Human Bodyby Gerard Tortora and Bryan Derrickson

What type of receptors are olfactory and gustatory?

Olfactory receptors detect smells, and gustatory receptors detect tastes.

What selectively detect potentially damaging the stimuli that result in pain?

Nociceptors are specialized sensory receptors that selectively detect potentially damaging stimuli that can result in pain. These receptors are located throughout the body and respond to various forms of stimuli, such as chemical, mechanical, or thermal, that can signal tissue damage or injury. Once activated, nociceptors send signals to the brain to alert the individual of potential harm and initiate a pain response.

What are the recptors that detect heat snd cold called?

The receptors that detect heat are called thermoreceptors, and the receptors that detect cold are called cold receptors. These receptors are specialized nerve cells that respond to changes in temperature and send signals to the brain to interpret these sensations.

Will an xray detect a haematoma?

Unlikely. X-rays aren't good at detecting soft tissue damage.

Which of the general categories of sensory receptor are located everywhere in the body except the brain?

Nociceptors are sensory receptors that are located throughout the body except for within the brain. These receptors are responsible for detecting pain and tissue damage.

What do the sensory receptors do?

They detect heat

What is the function of receptors in human body?

Receptors in the human body are specialized proteins that detect and respond to specific stimuli, such as light, sound, taste, and temperature. These receptors help transmit signals to the brain, allowing us to perceive and interact with our environment.