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A tsunami

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Q: What are powerful seismic waves that begin as an ocean floor earthquake that can reach 30 meters in height when approaching land and can cause destruction in coastal areas?
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What caused the 2011 japan tsunami?

The 2011 Japan tsunami was caused by a 9.0 magnitude undersea earthquake off the coast of Japan. The earthquake triggered a powerful tsunami that devastated coastal areas, causing widespread destruction and loss of life.

The worst earthquake of all time?

The 1960 Valdivia earthquake in Chile is considered the most powerful earthquake ever recorded, with a magnitude of 9.5. It caused widespread destruction and triggered a tsunami that affected coastal regions across the Pacific Ocean.

What caused 2011 Japanese tsunami hit?

The 2011 Japanese tsunami was caused by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake off the coast of Japan. The earthquake generated a series of powerful tsunami waves that devastated coastal areas and caused widespread destruction.

A sea wave that is created when the seafloor slips after an underwater earthquake?

A tsunami is a sea wave caused by an underwater earthquake that displaces a large volume of water, leading to the propagation of powerful waves across the ocean. Tsunamis can result in devastating coastal flooding and destruction due to their high energy and long wavelength.

Valdivia earthquake 1960?

The Valdivia earthquake of 1960 is the strongest earthquake ever recorded, with a magnitude of 9.5. It occurred in southern Chile on May 22, 1960, causing widespread destruction and triggering tsunamis that affected coastal areas as far away as Hawaii and Japan. The earthquake resulted in thousands of fatalities and left a lasting impact on the region.

What is the number one earthquake in history?

The 1960 Valdivia earthquake in Chile is the most powerful earthquake ever recorded, with a magnitude of 9.5. It caused widespread devastation, including tsunamis that affected coastal areas across the Pacific Ocean.

When did the tsunami hit japan in 2011?

The tsunami hit Japan on March 11, 2011, following a powerful earthquake off the east coast of the country. The tsunami devastated coastal areas and resulted in significant loss of life and widespread destruction.

What destruction do earthquakes cause?

Earthquakes can cause a wide range of destruction, including structural damage to buildings, infrastructure, and roads; landslides; tsunamis in coastal areas; and loss of life and injuries to people. The severity of destruction depends on the magnitude of the earthquake and the proximity of populated areas to the epicenter.

Why the huge energy oceanic waves causes destruction of coastal areas?

Huge energy oceanic waves, such as tsunamis, can cause destruction of coastal areas because of their immense force and volume of water. When these waves reach shallow coastal waters, they slow down but increase in height, resulting in a rapid and powerful surge of water onto land. This can lead to widespread flooding, erosion of coastal infrastructure, and devastation of the surrounding areas.

November 10 1938-earthquake in Alaska?

On this day, a magnitude 8.3 earthquake struck the territory of Alaska, causing significant damage. The earthquake triggered a tsunami that affected coastal areas, resulting in further destruction. This event highlighted the seismic activity in the region and the need for preparedness measures.

Can you give me a sentence with cyclone in it?

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What are the harmful practice of man that can cause destruction of coral reef?

Coastal congestion,coastal pollution,and coastal migration contribute to the destruction of coral reefs.Coastal construction also disturbs the coral reef ecosystem.