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These are three different ways that cells have to get things in and out of the cell. Passive transport is movement without the use of energy, active transport requires energy.
Active transport requires energy since the molecules are going toward a region that has a higher concentration of that molecule. The cell is 'stuffing' more into itself.
Endocytosis means to 'take into the cell'. Usually this a larger molecule and cell must wrap part of itself around the molecule and then can bring it inside. This is a type of phagocytosis (cell eating).
This requires energy as well.

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Q: What are passive transport active transport and endocytosis?
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Active transport requires energy to move substances across a cell membrane against their concentration gradient, whereas passive transport does not require energy and relies on the concentration gradient. Examples of active transport include the sodium-potassium pump and endocytosis.

Is endocytocsis a form of passive transport?

No. Endocytosis requires the cell to expend energy, therefore it is a form of active transport.

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Via endocytosis, active transport and facilitated passive transport and diffusion.

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No, endocytosis and exocytosis are forms of active transport, not passive transport. Endocytosis is the process by which cells take in particles by engulfing them in a vesicle, while exocytosis is the process by which cells expel materials by fusing vesicles with the cell membrane. Both processes require energy to accomplish.

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passive transport- diffusion, osmosis bulk/ active transport: requires energy ------------------------------------------- A+ -- exocytosis

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