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Dinosaurs ("terrible lizards") belong to a large group of reptiles called Archosauria ("ruling reptiles"). They are classified into two distinct orders, which are distinguished by their pelvic differences. All Saurischian ("lizard-hipped") dinosaurs had modern lizardlike pelvises and clawed feet. Saurischians roamed Earth from the Middle Triassic to the end of the Cretaceous period. They included carnivores and herbivores. Members of the order included Allosaurus ("different lizard"), Apatosaurus ("deceptive lizard"), which was formerly called Brontosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus ("tyrant lizard"). The group is divided into two suborders: Theropoda ("beast footed") and Sauropodomorpha ("lizard-footed forms"). Velociraptor ("swift robber") was a theropod. All Ornithischian ("bird-hipped") dinosaurs had pelvises similar to those of modern birds, and hoofed toes. All were herbivores. These dinosaurs lived throughout the world from the Middle Triassic to the end of the Cretaceous period. Members of the order included Iguanodon ("iguana tooth"), Stegosaurus ("plated lizard"), and Triceratops ("three-horned face"). The order is divided into four suborders: Ornithopoda ("bird footed"), Stegosauria ("plated lizards"), Ankylosauria ("armored lizards"), and Certopsia ("horned faces").

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9y ago
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4mo ago
  • Dinosaurs ruled the Earth for over 160 million years, during the Mesozoic Era.
  • The largest dinosaurs, like the Argentinosaurus, could weigh as much as 100 tons and grow up to 100 feet in length.
  • Paleontologists believe that birds are modern-day descendants of dinosaurs, specifically theropods.
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10y ago

Before the oceans fully receded over the current United States, dinosaurs, flying reptiles, and huge turtles existed on an island located in the central to south-west central area of the current USA.

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10y ago

Dinosaurs evolved 231 million years ago.

Dinosaurs range in size from the a few ounce to over a hundred feet long and 70+ tons

Most dinosaurs were herbivores.

Carnivorous dinosaurs were the first animals with feathers. Birds evolved from these.

There are 1,000 known species of non-avian dinosaur known, and they belong to 500 different genera.

Dinosaurs were very likely warm blooded.

Dinosaurs went extinct 65.5 million years ago.

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