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Q: What are organisms that consume wastes to obtain the nutrients they need to survive?
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What is a hetererotroph?

Maybe, it should be "heterotroph"? Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot synthesis their own nutrients but they obtain the essential nutrients from other organisms by consuming them. We human beings are one type of heterotrophs since we consume other organisms in order to get nutrients and survive.

Do organisms that consume wastes to obtain the nutrient they need to survive are classified as producers?


Organisms that consume other organism because they cannot synthesize their own carbohydrates?

Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot produce their own carbohydrates through photosynthesis and must consume other organisms for energy. They include animals, fungi, and some types of bacteria. By consuming other organisms, heterotrophs obtain the necessary nutrients and energy they need to survive.

Is a Yorkshire Terrier a heterotroph or an autotroph?

A Yorkshire Terrier is a heterotroph. Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot produce their own food and must consume other organisms to obtain nutrients for energy.

What organism must obtain nutrients?

All organisms need nutrients.

What type of these organism are these protista plantae fungi and animalia?

Protista are eukaryotic microorganisms, Plantae are multicellular organisms that photosynthesize, Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that absorb nutrients from their surroundings, and Animalia are multicellular organisms that consume food to obtain energy.

How do uncelluclar organisums obtain nutriants?

Unicellular organisms obtain nutrients by absorbing them.

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Do Venus fly traps need sunlight to live?

Yes they do. Although Venus flytraps are carnivorous plants, they still utilize photosynthesis to obtain most of the nutrients and energy they need to survive. Flytraps found in the wild need the extra nutrients they obtain from the insects they consume to provide them with nutrients the soil they inhabit doesn't have.

Is a lotus an omnivore?

No, lotus plants are not omnivores. They are aquatic plants that obtain nutrients through photosynthesis, taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. They do not consume other organisms for food.

Organisms that must obtain nutrients and energy by eating other organisms are?

All animals are heterotrophs, getting their organic molecules (food, growth) from another organism. Those that consume other organisms are predators. The larger predatory animals that consume smaller animals are carnivores (meat eaters).

What are things that consume food?

Animals, humans, and some microorganisms consume food to obtain nutrients for energy, growth, and maintenance of bodily functions. In addition, certain types of fungi and plants can also absorb nutrients from their surroundings to support their growth and survival.