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Lines of longitude

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6d ago

The north-south lines on a map that show distance from the prime meridian are called lines of longitude or meridians. They help determine a location's east-west position on the Earth's surface. The prime meridian itself is designated as 0 degrees longitude, and lines to the east and west are measured in degrees up to 180.

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Q: What are north south lines on a map that shows distance from the prime meridian?
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What lines run north and south but are measured east and west of prime meridian?

Longitude lines run north ans south and latitude lines run west to east an easy way to remember is longitude has the word long in it you know the those lines are vertical lines and that the latitude lines are the horizontal linesThe Prime Meridian is the line made out of all the points on earth that have zero longitude and every possible latitude.

What lines run north and south through the poles and measure distance east or west of the prime meridian?

The lines of longitude run north and south through the poles and measure distance east or west of the prime meridian.

At what latitude does the prime meridian lie?

The Prime Meridian is a Longitudinal line. That is, it runs North and South between the poles. Latitudinal lines run parallel to the equator and measure distance North or South of the equator. They run East and West, perpendicular to longitudinal lines. The Prime Meridian is at all latitudes.

Measures distance east and west from prime meridian?

longitude lines are east and westlatitude are north and south

Which lines measure distance of the prime meridian?

Longitude measures the distance east and west of the prime meridian.

What lines measures distance east and west of the prime meridian?

Longitude lines. They are also called meridians.

What is the measurement of distance north or south of the prime meridian?

Latitude is the measurement of distance north or south of the Equator. Longitude is the measurement of distance east or west of the prime meridian.

What lines are parelle to the prime meridian?

No lines are parallel to the Prime Meridian. All of the meridians of longitude are farthest apart at the equator, and all converge at the north and south poles. Parallel lines would be the same distance apart everywhere, and never meet.

What are the imaginary lines parallel to the prime meridian?

There are no geographic lines that are parallel to the Prime Meridian. Technically, every meridian of longitude is parallel to every other meridian of longitude, but only over an infinitesimal distance north or south of the equator. I'm quite sure that's not what you're looking for.

What are the lines that run north and south on a globe?

The lines that run north and south on a globe are called meridians of longitude. They converge at the poles, with the Prime Meridian (0 degrees) serving as the reference point for measuring east and west.

The distance east or west of the prime meridian is marked by lines of what?


What lines of longitude go through north and south of the prime meridian in measure distances?

The lines of longitude that go through the north and south of the prime meridian are the 180th meridian and the 0th meridian. These meridians are opposite to each other with the prime meridian at 0 degrees and the 180th meridian at 180 degrees east or west, creating the International Date Line.