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Neurons with two processes are classified as bipolar neurons.

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Neurons with two processes are classified as bipolar neurons. These neurons have one dendrite and one axon extending from their cell body. Bipolar neurons are commonly found in specialized sensory pathways like the visual and olfactory systems.

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Q: What are neurons with two processes classified as?
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What neuron has two cell processes?

Neurons with two processes are classified as bipolar neurons.

Neurons are classified by the?

Neurons are classified by their structure and function. Structurally, neurons can be categorized as sensory neurons, motor neurons, or interneurons. Functionally, neurons can be classified as excitatory or inhibitory based on the type of signals they transmit.

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Neurons or the nerve cells are the basic unit of nervous system. Based on their function (as in whether they transmit impulse from the CNS or to the CNS) neurons are classified as sensory neurons (carry impulses to the CNS), motor neurons (carry impulses from the CNS to the target organ) and mixed neurons which perform both the functions. The neurons can also be classified based on the number of associated axons or even presence or absences of axons.

What anatomical characteristics determines whether a particular neuron is classified as unipolar bipolar or multipolar?

Neurons are grouped structurally according to the number of processes extending from their cell body.

What anatomical characteristic determines wether a particular neuron is classified as unipolar bipolar or multipolar?

The number of processes extending from the neuron's cell body determines its classification. Unipolar neurons have a single process, bipolar neurons have two processes, and multipolar neurons have multiple processes extending from the cell body.

What are three type of neurons?

Sensory, Interneuron, and Motor.

What are two processes that extend from the nerve systems?

Two processes that extend from the nerve cell body are dendrites and axons. Dendrites receive incoming signals from other neurons and transmit them to the cell body, while axons carry outgoing signals away from the cell body to other neurons, muscles, or glands.

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Neurons are classified into different types based on their structure as follows: multipolar neurons with many dendrites and a single axon, bipolar neurons with one dendrite and one axon, and unipolar neurons with a single process extending from the cell body that branches into dendrites and an axon.

How are olfactory neurons classified structurally?

Neurons are classified by the direction they move.

What are the two types of nerve processes?

The two types of nerve processes are axons and dendrites. Axons transmit signals away from the cell body, while dendrites receive signals from other neurons and transmit them towards the cell body.