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they are measured in degrees

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Jonathon Witting

Lvl 10
2y ago
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11y ago

Longitude is an angle, and is expressed in angle units. Some meridians are often

drawn on maps to show the location of a few selected longitudes, but there's no

need to measure those lines.

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12y ago

"Declination" may refer to one of the two celestial location coordinates,

analogous to terrestrial latitude, or to the error in the reading of a magnetic

compass. Both of these quantities are angles, and are described in angle units.

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7y ago

Usually degrees. However latitude can potentially be measured in any unit that angles are measured in (e.g. radians, grads, binary degrees, minutes, seconds, turns, quadrants).

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What are latitude and longitude measured in?

Latitude and longitude are measured in degrees, with latitude representing north-south position and longitude representing east-west position on the Earth's surface.

What is longitude measured from?

The longitude of any point on Earth is the angle measured east or west to it ... whichever is shorter ... from the Prime Meridian.

Latitude and longitude are measured by what?


Longitude and latitude are usually measured in?


How mesure the degree of longitude?

we can measured the longitude by north pole and south pole by equator

How is longitude mesaured?

Longitude is measured up & down from the Prime Greenwich Meridian (Greenwich).

Lines of longitude are measured north and south of the equator?

No, that's latitude. Longitude is measured east or west of the Prime Meridian, which runs through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England.

How is longitude and latitude measured?

Latitude is measured as the angle between the point and the equator, ranging from 0° at the equator to 90° at the poles. Longitude is measured as the angle between the point and the prime meridian, ranging from 0° to 180° east or west. These measurements help pinpoint a specific location on Earth's surface.

Is Latitude measured by the distance north or south of the equator?

yes longitude is measured from side to side on earth

Are Longitude and latitude measured in degrees minutes and seconds?

Yes they are.

The distance east or west of the prime meridian is measured by?


How is the latitude and longitude system different to the x and y coordinates on a graph?

On a graph, 'x' and 'y' are marked and measured in length or distance units. Latitude and longitude are marked and measured in angles.