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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 3w ago

Vacuoles are large compartments in eukaryotic cells that capture and store food, water, and waste. They help maintain cell structure, store nutrients, and aid in digestion and waste removal within the cell.

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Q: What are large compartments within some eukarytic cells that capture and store food?
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What are large compartments within some eukaryotic cells that capture and store food or toxic materials maintain turgor pressure and dispose of cellular waste.?

Vacuoles are large compartments within some eukaryotic cells that perform various functions such as storing food, maintaining turgor pressure, storing toxic materials, and disposing of cellular waste. They play a vital role in regulating the cell's internal environment and supporting cellular functions.

When viewing a cork through the homemade microscope Robert Hook discovered small compartments that is?

Robert Hooke discovered small compartments within cork that he described as "cells" due to their resemblance to small rooms or monks' cells. These compartments were actually the empty cell walls of dead plant cells, which allowed Hooke to identify the presence of cells as the building blocks of plant tissues.

What are interstitial compartments?

Interstitial compartments refer to the spaces or areas between cells in tissues where interstitial fluid circulates. This fluid contains nutrients, hormones, and waste products that are exchanged between cells and blood vessels. Interstitial compartments play a crucial role in maintaining the overall homeostasis of the body.

These are large compartments within some eukaryotic cells that capture and store food or toxic materials maintain turgor pressure and dispose of unwanted substances from the cell?

These large compartments are called vacuoles. They are found in plant and fungal cells and are responsible for storing nutrients, maintaining the cell's shape through turgor pressure, and assisting in waste removal by storing and breaking down unwanted substances. Vacuoles are versatile organelles with various functions depending on the cell type.

What do all eukaryotic cells have that have a membrane-covered compartments called?

All eukaryotic cells have membrane-covered compartments called organelles, such as the nucleus, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum, which are responsible for specific cellular functions. These organelles help to organize cellular activities and provide distinct environments for specialized functions within the cell.

What is the name of the microscopic compartments that all living things are composed of?


What characterizes Batten disease?

The disease is characterized by an abnormal buildup of lipopigments--substances made up of fats and proteins--in bubble-like compartments within cells.

What occurs in all eukarytic cells?

They are selectively permeable, which means that they decide when and what things go in or out of the cell. They also compartmentalize, which means they divide things up.

What separates the intracellular and extracellular fluid compartments?

Cell membranes separate the intracellular and extracellular fluid compartments. The intracellular fluid is contained within the cells, while the extracellular fluid surrounds the cells. Transport proteins in the cell membrane regulate the movement of substances between these compartments.

What are membrnane covered compartments called that are in eukariotic cells?


Does prokaryotes have compartments?

Prokaryotes do not have membrane-bound compartments like eukaryotic cells do. However, they may have specialized regions within the cell that perform specific functions, such as the nucleoid region where the DNA is localized, or specialized structures like gas vesicles for buoyancy regulation in some bacteria.

All eukaryotic cells have membrane-covered compartments called that form when part of the cell membrane an object and pinches off?

All eukaryotic cells have membrane-covered compartments called vesicles that form when part of the cell membrane envelops an object or substance and then pinches off to transport molecules within the cell or to the cell membrane.