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If you think hydroxides the ions are anions OH-.

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Q: What are ions produced by alkalis in a solution?
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Do alkalis produce OH- ions in solution?


What ions is present in alkalis?


What is a compound that produced hydroxide ions in a solution?

The compound is a base.

What kind of ions are produced in a solution containing an acids?

an acid is something dissolved in water to produce H+ ions.

General explanation for acid and alkali?

Acids receive electron. Alkalis donate. Acids donate hydrogen ion in solution. Alkalis donate hydroxyl ion in solution. Alkalis donate lone pair electrons.

What happens to the alkalis when they react with ammonium salts?

When alkalis react with ammonium salts, ammonia gas and another salt is produced

Free electrons are produced at the metallic electrode that?

Free electrons are produced at the metallic electrode that has atoms, that give up electrons, and become ions in solution.

What is basicity of an acid?

1- the number of replaceable OH- ions in aqueous solution, 2- no of OH- ions produced by one unit of a base in aqueous solution.

Explain acids bases and buffers?

Acids are proton donors in aqueous solution. This means they release H+ ions. Bases are proton acceptors, meaning they accept H+ ions. Alkalis are a species of Bases. which release OH- (hydroxide) molecules in aqueous solution. Buffers resist changes in PH. These play an important part in biological reactions.

What generalizations can you make about a substance that is soluble in water and conducts electricity once it has dissolved?

The substance is ionic. In solid form it will not conduct as the ions are not free to move. If molten or in solution then the ions are free to move therefore they can complete a circuit and conduct electricty. E.g. salts, acids, alkalis.

How do you test for carbonate ions?

1) Add a little hydrochloric to acid to a sample of the solid or solution you wish to test for carbonate ions 2) If effervescence is seen & the gas produced turns limewater milky white, the gas produced was carbon dioxide - this indicates that carbonate ions were present

If a solution is acidic it has how many ions?

If a solution is basic it has how many ions