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when bad construction of a dike fails, there is sometimes a huge rush of water which could cause loss of property and lives. the Department of Enviormental Protection requires a "water obstruction and encroachment permit" be given before any dike or levee is built in order to ensure safeness.

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8mo ago

Good: Natural levees provide some protection against flooding by acting as barriers that can contain the flow of water during high water levels. They can also provide fertile soil for agriculture due to sediments deposited during floods.

Bad: The presence of natural levees can sometimes give a false sense of security, leading to development in flood-prone areas behind the levees. If the levees are breached or overtopped, the flooding can be more severe and destructive due to the concentration of water flow.

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13y ago
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13y ago

they are often used as feild boundaries for military defenses

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12y ago

the answer to this question is very simple, there is no disadvantages and no advantages, its just there for the bantz

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13y ago

Good: natural levees dont need to be built

Bad: they're usually not high enough

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11y ago

Hurricanes cause surges of water. Levees, if working properly, keep these surges from flooding streets and buildings.

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