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its for good luck :) if u have one keep it forever!!

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They are used mainly for jewelry and decoration.

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Q: What are gemstones uses?
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Some important uses for Onyx are Gemstones, Ornamental stones, Birth stones, and Decoration.

Important uses for turquoise?

jewelry,gemstones, and i think it can be ground up and used as a pigment.

What are four important uses for Zoisite?

I only have 3 and they are mineral specimens, omamental stone, and gemstones

How do you use gemstones in a sentence?

How many gemstones did you find?? Gemstones are beautiful. I love gemstones. There are a few.

What is the NAICS code for manufacturing synthetic stones for gemstones and industrial uses?

SIC 3299: Nonmetallic Mineral Products, Not Elsewhere Classified

What are the uses of peridot?

One use for Peridot it as gemstones in earrings, necklaces, bracelts, etc. It is also used as an abrassive in casting industries.

What gemstones are made of?

Gemstones are made of Crystal rocks

Are gemstones a rock or mineral or glass?

Gemstones are a mineral.

What is difference between synthetic gemstones and genuine gemstones?

Synthetic gemstones are created in a lab by replicating the natural processes that form gemstones, whereas genuine gemstones are naturally occurring minerals that are mined from the earth. While synthetic gemstones have the same chemical composition and physical properties as genuine gemstones, they are generally less valuable because they are man-made.

How do the prices of natural and created gemstones compare?

Natural Gemstones prices are always high in comparison to created gemstones. Natural gemstone retain the energy of earth and created gems of laboratory. Astrologically only natural gemstones gives benefits.