Venus has the highest average temperatures of any planet in our Solar System, regularly reaching temperatures over 460°C. Mercury is second while the temperature on Mercury can reach 465°C, it can also drop to frigid temperatures of -184°C. Third is Earth the average temperature on Earth is 7.2°C. Fourth is Mars its temperatures can vary by as much as 30°C during the summer in the northern and Southern Hemisphere. Jupiter At the top of Jupiterâ??s clouds, the temperature is around -145°C.Saturn Like on Jupiter, the temperature in the upper atmosphere of Saturn is cold â?? up to approximately -175°C â?? and increases closer to the center of the planets. Uranus is the coldest planet with a lowest recorded temperature of -224°C. Neptune temperatures dropping to -218°C.
All of the inner planets are rocky planets: Mars, Earth, Venus, and Mercury
The 4 terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The 4 giant gas planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
because of the sun
The giant planets are Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune.
The gas giant planets have shorter rotation (day) periods compared to Earth. For example, Jupiter's rotation period is about 10 hours, while Earth's is about 24 hours. However, the gas giant planets have longer revolution (year) periods, as they are farther from the sun. For example, Jupiter's revolution period is about 12 Earth years, while Earth's is about 1 year.
It depends on the term 'giant'. If 'giant' refers to larger than earth, then all of the giant planets in our solar system have 3 rings in total.
A terrestrial planet, Gas giant planets are made of gas....
Mercury is the hottest and Neptune is the coldest. The further away the planet is to the sun, the colder it is. Edit: That's not too bad an answer, but actually Venus is hotter than Mercury because of the "greenhouse effect". Also Neptune is about the same temperature as Uranus. Another pattern is that the 4 inner planets are small and rocky, but the 4 outer ones are "Gas Giant" planets.
All of the inner planets are rocky planets: Mars, Earth, Venus, and Mercury
No. Earth is the largest of the rocky planets in out solar system.
The 4 terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The 4 giant gas planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Similarities: Planets, natural satellites Differences:Jupiter is a gas giant, earth is not.
Well, terrestrial planets are the planets roughly like Earth, in composition. Terrestrial means "Earth-like". These planets are found before the asteroid belt and the outer gas giant planets. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars come in this category of terrestrial planets.
Our planet earth is one of the four rocky or terrestrial planets.
they are larger than earth and have low densities.
Earth is the 5th-largest planet, but it is the biggest of the "rocky" planets. The four "gas giant" planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, are all larger.
The "terrestrial planets" are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.