Most nations are cutting down there cabon emissions by signing on for something called Kyoto. When a nation signs on, they keep a promise to have there carbon emissions below a certain point. I think every nation except for the U.S. has signed on. From- Q&A master
Different nations are taking various actions to slow global warming, such as setting targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, investing in renewable energy sources, implementing carbon pricing mechanisms, and participating in international agreements like the Paris Agreement to collaborate on climate action. Some countries are also focusing on promoting energy efficiency, reforestation, and sustainable agriculture to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Here in Sweden we produce environmentally friendly cars and give big tax benefits to cars that run on natural gas.
In Great Britain they build lots of windmills, even windmills that has their base in the sea. They also have an inventor that has designed aerodynamic trucks that only require 50% of the fuel common trucks do.
Australia has banned the sale of regular light bulbs.
Mexico has started a program called Proarbol to help stop deforestation, poverty and to increase jungles in Mexico.
Some countries:
Governments and countries have to get together and agree on a common solution.
The fact is that global warming is happening, it is not something that can be prevented. It has gone too far to be stopped, at least in the near future. The best we can do right now is find ways of slowing it down. Another complication is that governments are usually slow to act on environmental issues in general, so it may take some time to see changes. The government is helping control this issue by passing the Clean Air Act so there is less air pollution.
By planting trees, by trying stop greenhouse gases that are produced every day, and by encouraging people to reduce wasteful energy use.
Countries and international organizations are executing studies, summits and protocols that may reduce the effects of global warming.
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The United Nations has passed resolutions regarding the threat of global warming. The seriousness of the issue depends on the individual nations. The industrialized nations mostly recognize the issue as a threat and, more or less, are addressing it. The poorer third world nations mostly feel that the problem wasn't caused by them and taking measures similar to what the major nations are doing will hamper their development of industry.
If you use electricity, or ride in a car, or drink a can of beverage, then you are, in a small way, contributing to global warming. Global warming is happening because billions of us are all doing the same as you.
No. No government in the world is doing enough to stop it.
The most valid way to study global warming is through history. Scientists observe the past occurances of climate, environment, atmosphere, etc., to understand the way global warming is developing over time. To gain the most insight on global warming, it would be wise to work alongside someone who is studying it themselves. Global warming is simply a matter of tracking trends and analyzing patterns to make inferences. If you are doing this, you are studying global warming,
Efforts to combat global warming in the tundra include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting and restoring tundra ecosystems, and promoting sustainable land use practices. Conservation projects are also underway to preserve the biodiversity and fragile ecosystem of the tundra.
Me Me
Global warming is melting the glaciers throughout the earth's surface.
The United Nations has passed resolutions regarding the threat of global warming. The seriousness of the issue depends on the individual nations. The industrialized nations mostly recognize the issue as a threat and, more or less, are addressing it. The poorer third world nations mostly feel that the problem wasn't caused by them and taking measures similar to what the major nations are doing will hamper their development of industry.
Global warming is no good, correct. We have to stop it or our children and grandchildren will blame us for doing nothing.
the poles are melting
It Is Killing Them
If you use electricity, or ride in a car, or drink a can of beverage, then you are, in a small way, contributing to global warming. Global warming is happening because billions of us are all doing the same as you.
No. No government in the world is doing enough to stop it.
The most valid way to study global warming is through history. Scientists observe the past occurances of climate, environment, atmosphere, etc., to understand the way global warming is developing over time. To gain the most insight on global warming, it would be wise to work alongside someone who is studying it themselves. Global warming is simply a matter of tracking trends and analyzing patterns to make inferences. If you are doing this, you are studying global warming,
The ice is melting, so the seas get higher. :P
Global warming is warming the oceans and making them more acidic. Warm water expands, so this means sea levels are rising. Acidic water damages coral and other marine creatures.
simply by watching news on the television you will be able to understand global warming.You can go out also and have exposure to sun.