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Q: What are dangers to Arctic foxes?
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What are Arctic fox dangers?

global warming

Do Arctic foxes have horns?

No, Arctic foxes do not have horns.

Are Arctic foxes cute?

Arctic foxes are soooo cute!

Why do Arctic foxes live in the polar region?

There are no Antarctic foxes. There are, however, Arctic foxes.

Do arctic foxes travel alone?

do arctic foxes live in packs- no

Are Arctic foxes dogs or cats?

Arctic foxes are canines - dogs.

How did arctic foxes get there name?

They live in the high Arctic regions and they are foxes.

Can red foxes live in the Arctic?

Red foxes do live in the Arctic and compete there with the Arctic fox.

What kind of foxes live in the Arctic?

Arctic foxes live in the arctic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are arctic foxes cold or warm blooded?

Arctic foxes are mammals, which means they are warm blooded.

What preys on foxes?

A polar bear preys on arctic foxes A polar bear preys on arctic foxes

What do sea foxes in the Arctic eat?

There is no such thing as sea foxes. but there is an arctic fox.