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Characteristics of nonmetals include:

  • Rarely have metallic luster (shine)
  • Generally gases at room temperature
  • Neither malleable nor ductile
  • Brittle and dull
  • Insulator--Poor conductors of heat and electricity; absorbs heat
  • Usually exist as molecules in their elemental form
  • Combine with other nonmetals to form covalent
  • Generally form negative ions, e.g. Cl-, SO42-, and N3-
  • High electronegativity
  • High ionization energy
  • Small atom size
  • Gain electrons to complete their octet
  • Low boiling and heating points
  • Mostly in liquid or gas form
  • Located at the top right of Periodic Table
  • Good oxidizing agents; form acidic oxides
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Ebba Hoeger

Lvl 13
2y ago
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9y ago

Characteristics of nonmetals include:

  • Rarely have metallic luster (shine)
  • Generally gases at room temperature
  • Neither malleable nor ductile
  • Brittle and dull
  • Insulator--Poor conductors of heat and electricity; absorbs heat
  • Usually exist as molecules in their elemental form
  • Combine with other nonmetals to form covalent
  • Generally form negative ions, e.g. Cl-, SO42-, and N3-
  • High electronegativity
  • High ionization energy
  • Small atom size
  • Gain electrons to complete their octet
  • Low boiling and heating points
  • Mostly in liquid or gas form
  • Located at the top right of Periodic Table
  • Good oxidizing agents; form acidic oxides
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12y ago

1.They are poor conductors of heat & electricity.

2.They are dull.

3.They are found in all 3 states of matter solids liquids & gas.

4.They have low melting & boiling points.

5.They can not be drawn into wires or beaten into foil & plates.


Iodine & sulphur are some examples of non metals.

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