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Black holes are the closest thing known the have put a rip in time and space. We do not actually know what a black hole is made out of because we can not observe past the event horizon where light can not escape due to the black holes gravitational force.

You could say that a black hole when it is not "feeding" is made of pure force, it has been theorised that black holes are partly made up of radiation. But than again it is just a star that has imploded.

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14y ago
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8mo ago

Black holes are regions in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from them. They are formed when massive stars collapse under their own gravity at the end of their life cycle, or by the collision and merger of two smaller black holes. The collapse of a massive star creates a stellar black hole, while the merger of two black holes can create a larger black hole.

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14y ago

We don't really know. Since we can't look inside a black hole.

All we know is that it is made of matter, whether it is one gigantic particle, or a bunch or large particles, or just a heck of a lot of normal particles.

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12y ago

Black Holes are flying and roaming vaccums in Outer Space that will suck anything in it's path. Black Holes are made from stars after stars die out to become a black hole or become a supernova.

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10y ago

The general idea is that the matter (mass) is compressed so densely that there won't be any matter in a form that we can recognize - it is compressed to such a point that there won't even be atoms.

The truth is that the physical conditions in the center of a black hole are so extreme that current physical theories are not able to describe such situations appropriately.

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12y ago

No. It's essentially made up of pure gravitational energy.

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13y ago

it is made up of a dead star that blew up

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Q: What are black holes and how are they made?
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Can black holes dies?

Black holes do not die but they can evaporate.

What do very large mass star become at the end of their life cycle?

The most massive stars will die as black holes.

WhAT feature is found with Kerr black holes but not schwarzschild black holes?


Why is the lack of direct evidence on black holes a problem for scientists?

I am not sure it is a problem. The evidence for black holes is quite strong.I am not sure it is a problem. The evidence for black holes is quite strong.I am not sure it is a problem. The evidence for black holes is quite strong.I am not sure it is a problem. The evidence for black holes is quite strong.

Where in space are black holes?

Black holes can be found anywhere in space.There are 2 types of black holes.Stellar and super massive black holes.Super massive black holes can be found in the middle of every galaxy including our own milky way.Stellar black holes can be found anywhere in space.

Related questions

Is the universe made of black holes?

No. It certainly has black holes, but it has other things as well.No. It certainly has black holes, but it has other things as well.No. It certainly has black holes, but it has other things as well.No. It certainly has black holes, but it has other things as well.

Did you make black holes yet?

Black holes (in the astronomical sense) have never been made in the laboratory.

When was the Why are black holes dangerous answer made?


How did Dr. Stephen Hawking discover black holes?

He did not. He made some theoretical discoveries about how black holes would probably behave; but the concept of black holes was discovered by others before him.

When did stephan hawking find out what black holes were?

Most likely in the University classroom as an undergraduate student, that's where most people of his generation learned about black holes. But of course what he learned about was ordinary stellar black holes.It was much later when he made his own "what if" hypothesis on microscopic black holes. After solving the equations of general relativity for this case and including the effects of quantum mechanics, he made his theory including Hawking Radiation, evaporation of black holes, and their eventual explosion. This remains theoretical, as his black holes have still not been observed.

What were black holes before they turned into black holes?

stellar black holes were stars (these are large)primordial black holes were pieces of the big bang (these are microscopic)

What is a black hole's formula of atoms it's made up of?

Black holes are not composed of matter, and do not have a chemical formula.

Can black holes dies?

Black holes do not die but they can evaporate.

What are some scientific discoveries either past or present made by scientists?

Black holes

What are the energy and matter made in a black hole?

Black holes are hidden behind an even horizon we do not know what happen in side them.

How do black holes get into your solar system?

There are no black holes in our solar system

What are the stars called when they become black holes?

They are called "black holes".