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Honeybees collect pollen from plants to make their honey, and end up spreading some pollen to other plants, thus fertilizing them. Honeybees collect pollen from plants to make their honey, and end up spreading some pollen to other plants, thus fertilizing them.

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15y ago
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4mo ago

There are several examples of animals that help other animals survive in the wild, such as cleaner fish that remove parasites from larger fish, oxpeckers that eat ticks and parasites off large mammals, and symbiotic relationships between ants and aphids where ants protect aphids in exchange for honeydew. These mutually beneficial relationships help both species thrive in their shared ecosystem.

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13y ago

Actually, all animals help other animals survive because in a food pyramid if an animal was gone, the population of the animal that eats it will decrease and die. also if the animal was gone, the population of the organism that the animal eats will grow too much.

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10y ago

? Are you asking for "altruistic" animals?

Altruism is the act of "selfishlessness" or heroism to increase the fitness of another organism.

This is usually seen on social animals such as praire dogs. And also, usually done for kins rather than total strangers, which would be increasing indirect fitness.

On the other hand, some prairie dogs also "lie," but thats another matter.

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