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3w ago

Cell counters that keep track of how many times a cell has divided are called "cell counters" or "cell counters with a built-in division counter". These instruments are often used in research labs to monitor and study cell growth and proliferation rates.

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Q: What are animal cell counters called that keep track of how many times the cell has divided?
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What is ten times divided by two times three?

The answer depends on 10 times WHAT divided by 2 times 3.The answer depends on 10 times WHAT divided by 2 times 3.The answer depends on 10 times WHAT divided by 2 times 3.The answer depends on 10 times WHAT divided by 2 times 3.

What is the program counter?

Counters in basic are used to count a number of times a process is being used.

What are the animal cells that keep track of how many times a cell has divided?

Telomeres are the structures in animal cells that keep track of how many times a cell has divided. They are protective caps at the end of chromosomes that shorten with each cell division. Once they become too short, the cell can no longer divide and enters a state of senescence or programmed cell death.

What is nine divided by six times three times eighteen minus fifty divided by five?

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What is 6 divided by 7 times 3 divided by 5?

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What is 7 divided by 13 times 2 divided by 3?

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What is 4 times 3 divided by 15000 times 6 divided by 2 times 5 divided by 16000000 plus 1 equals what?


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