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Pairs of muscles which work in a relationship, where both can support and oppose each other. The best and easiest example is the bicep and tricep. When the bicep is contracted the tricep is usually relaxed and visa versa. Think of it like a bicep curl. When you lift the dumbbell your bicep is contracting in the concentric contraction, but is still contracting on the way down, just on an eccentric contraction (i.e. acting as a brake). The whole time your tricep is relaxed. However when a tricep curl is performed the same principles apply but obviously using your tricep.

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9mo ago

Agonistic pairs are two individuals within a social group that engage in a competitive or aggressive behavior towards each other. This behavior is often related to establishing dominance hierarchies, acquiring resources, or resolving conflicts within the group. Agonistic interactions can involve displays of aggression, submission, or other dominant behaviors.

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