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According to Fredrick W Tylor founder of the scientific management proposed the functional organisation which is also refered to as functional foremanship organisation It aims at having a band of experts specialized in different aspects of administration or executives function and there are two types of principles and they are as follows 1: principles of specialization 2: principles of organisational balance under functional organisation men with special ability to perform specific function will be employed and a benefits of specialization will be enjoyed by the organisation

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1mo ago

Functional organization structures allow for specialization and expertise in specific areas, promoting efficiency and effectiveness. Clear reporting lines and roles can help streamline decision-making processes. It also fosters a cohesive work culture within departments.

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12y ago

A functional organization has a traditional organizational structure in which each functional department, such as engineering, marketing, and sales, is a separate entity

Depending on the size of the organization, there could be a hierarchy within these manager and other designations like director, managing director etc could be available who in turn report up to the CEO or the owner of the company.

The scope of a project in a functional organization is usually limited to the boundaries of the functional department. Therefore, each department runs its projects largely independent of other departments. When a communication needs to occur between two departments, it is carried through the hierarchy of functional managers.

For Ex: If someone from the Sales team needs to communicate with someone in the Marketing team, he would route it through the Sales Manager who in turn will route the information through the Marketing Manager.

All the managerial power or authority in simple terms, in a functional organization is vested in the functional managers, who control the team members' performance evaluations, salaries, bonuses, hiring, and firing.

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Example of companies which operates in Functional organization structure?

Some examples of companies that operate in a functional organizational structure include Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, and Ford Motor Company. In this structure, employees are grouped by their job functions, such as marketing, finance, and operations, with clear lines of supervision and communication within each department.

Who functions levels should be enlist on the cross functional team to investigate the possible reorganization and outsourcing?

Senior management representatives, functional team leaders, and key decision-makers from various departments should be included on the cross-functional team. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of the organization's structure and the impact of potential reorganization and outsourcing. Additionally, including employees from different levels of the organization can provide valuable insights and perspectives.

How wold you find out which functional entitlement group you belong to?

To find out which functional entitlement group you belong to, you can usually reach out to your HR department or manager. They can provide information on your job role, responsibilities, and the corresponding functional group within the organization's structure. You can also check the company's organizational chart or job classification materials for more details.

Why do you have functional areas?

Functional areas help to organize and coordinate activities within an organization by grouping together related tasks and responsibilities. This structure enables effective decision-making, enhances communication, and allows for specialization and expertise in different areas of the business. Functional areas also promote efficiency and accountability by clearly defining roles and goals.

Can you have the Functional structure of vodacom?

Vodacom, a telecommunications company, likely follows a functional organizational structure. This structure groups employees based on their expertise or function, such as marketing, finance, operations, etc. Each department operates independently but collaborates to achieve the company's overall goals. This setup allows for specialization and efficiency within each functional area.

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Forms of organizational structure?

An organization can have one of the following structures:- Functional Organizational Structure- Matrix Organizational Structure

Difference between matrix management and function management?

From the perspective of structure, organizations fall into three categories: 1. Functional organizations 2. Projectized organizations and 3. Matrix organizations. Functional Organizations A functional organization has a traditional organizational structure in which each functional department, such as engineering, marketing, and sales, is a separate entity Projectized Organization A projectized organization's structure is organized around projects. Most of the organization's resources are devoted to the projects Matrix Organization A matrix organization is organized into functional departments, but a project is run by a project team, with members coming from different functional departments The matrix organizations are generally categorized into a strong matrix, which is closer to projectized structure; a weak matrix, which is closer to functional structure; and a balanced matrix, which is in the middle of strong and weak.

Identify and explain three forms of project management structures?

Here are 3 form or Project Management Structures:- Functional Organization Structure- Matrix Organization Structure- Project Organization Structure

Is it true that some aspect of functional structure appear in every organization?

As soon as there is more than one person involved, an organization will have a functional structure; each person will be doing something different. Since people doing the same or similar functions will want to cooperate, it makes sense to create a functional structure.

What is the organizational structure of Motorola?


What are the disadvantages of no formal organizational structure?

what are the advantage and sisadvantage of formal organization

What are the characteristics of a projectized organization?

A projectized organization's structure is organized around projects. Most of the organization's resources are devoted to the projects. the project team members report directly to the project manager who has a great deal of independence and authority (Imagine the structure in the Functional Organization) He reports directly to the CEO and has great control over his team and especially on what happens to his team members (Unlike the functional structure where the team is at the mercy of the functional manager) Along with the responsibility comes the high level of autonomy over the projects. The projects managers are a happy bunch of people in a Projectized organization. The functional and projectized organizations are like north and south poles of a magnet.

What sort of groups are defined by the organization's structure?

Groups defined by an organization's structure typically include functional groups, divisions, teams, and departments. Functional groups are based on specific functions or tasks, divisions are based on business units or products, teams are formed for specific projects or short-term goals, and departments are based on broader functional areas such as HR, finance, marketing, etc.

Which four ways can one structure an organization?

line line and staff matrix style cross functional self managed teams

What are the characterstics of project organization?

I assume you are asking about Projectized Organizations.A projectized organization's structure is organized around projects. Most of the organization's resources are devoted to the projects. The project team members report directly to the project manager who has a great deal of independence and authority (Imagine the structure in the Functional Organization) He reports directly to the CEO and has great control over his team and especially on what happens to his team members (Unlike the functional structure where the team is at the mercy of the functional manager)Along with the responsibility comes the high level of autonomy over the projects. The projects managers are a happy bunch of people in a Projectized organization. The functional and projectized organizations are like north and south poles of a magnet.There are other types of Organizations as well:Functional Organizations &Matrix Organizations

How does functional authority work within an organization?

Functional authority cuts across the hierarchical structure to allow managers to direct specific processes, practices, or policies affecting people in other departments.