Vertebrates or chordates are classified into 7 classes, which are bony fish, cartilage fish, jawless fish, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. Bony fish are the most common type of fish and include the most amount of species in the vertebrates class. Cartilage fish are commonly known as rays, scates, and sharks. Jawless fish are very rare and are known to be the ancient fish. Reptiles are categorized into Chelonia-turtles/tortoises, squamata-snakes lizards, crocildilians- crocs, alligators and caimen and some others. Amphibians are urodela- salmanders, newts, anura- frogs and toads, apoda- Caecilians. Mammals are dogs, cats, whales, dolphins, horses...... you probably know this. Birds or aves are pretty simple. Birds are birds!! Animals that are not vertebrates include molluscs, arthropods, cnidarians, poriforans, nematods, platyhelmithes, annelids, and way more. there are more invertebrates than vertebrates.
Hens are the females of various birds, such as chickens and turkeys. All birds are vertebratesbecause they have a vertebral column (backbone) and the other characteristics of vertebrates.For more information on vertebrates and invertebrates see related questions.
It is not an animal so it is not a vertebrate or invertebrate.
yes they are warm blooded animals.
A rat is a vertebrate, meaning it has a backbone and an internal skeleton.An animal which is not classed as a vertebrate is known as an invertebrate, rather than a "non-vertebrate".
Protozoa are classified as invertebrates because they lack a backbone or internal skeleton. They are single-celled organisms that belong to the kingdom Protista and exhibit diverse characteristics and behaviors.
A kangaroo has a backbone and is classified as a vertebrate.
A dragonfly is not a vertebrate at all. Dragonflies are insects which are classified as invertebrates.
An animal with a spine
Fish are classified as vertebrates.
Yes, a kangaroo has a backbone and is classified as a vertebrate.
whats your nunber,lol it mean with ''bones''
Yes. Anything with vertebrae will be classified as a vertebrate. There are exceptions where some animals have undergone a secondary loss of vertebrae. However, they are still classified as a vertebrate because they have a skull, and scientists have figured out that skulls were first derived from vertebrae.
No. They are mammals in the rodent family along with rats, mice, hamsters, and gerbils.
The stingray is a vertebrate, scientifically classified in the phylum Chordata. Its skeleton is made of cartilage instead of bone, but it still has a vertebrate skeleton. AND IT IS A CHORDATEStingrays are vertebrates
They are classified as vertebrates because they contain a spine, or backbone.
A kangaroo is a mammal, has a spine, so is a vertebrate.
Vertebrates are animals with backbones. This applies to all mammals. Therefore, cows are classified as vertebrates.