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Vertebrates or chordates are classified into 7 classes, which are bony fish, cartilage fish, jawless fish, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. Bony fish are the most common type of fish and include the most amount of species in the vertebrates class. Cartilage fish are commonly known as rays, scates, and sharks. Jawless fish are very rare and are known to be the ancient fish. Reptiles are categorized into Chelonia-turtles/tortoises, squamata-snakes lizards, crocildilians- crocs, alligators and caimen and some others. Amphibians are urodela- salmanders, newts, anura- frogs and toads, apoda- Caecilians. Mammals are dogs, cats, whales, dolphins, horses...... you probably know this. Birds or aves are pretty simple. Birds are birds!! Animals that are not vertebrates include molluscs, arthropods, cnidarians, poriforans, nematods, platyhelmithes, annelids, and way more. there are more invertebrates than vertebrates.

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17y ago
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9mo ago

Vertebrates are animals with a backbone. They are classified into five main groups: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Each group is distinguished by specific characteristics such as type of reproduction, body coverings, and habitat.

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15y ago

it is a class Answer Vertebrata form a subphylum, neither a class nor subclass, but containing the classes Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia, Dinosauria, Amphibia, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes, Agnatha....

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