Daylight, sunlight and skylight or all natural sources of light.
Natural resources are materials or substances found in nature that can be used by humans for various purposes. Examples of natural resources include water, air, sunlight, soil, minerals, forests, and wildlife.
coriander coriander
Renewable and nonrenewable resources collected from nature to produce energy are known as natural resources. Common examples include sunlight, wind, water, natural gas, coal, and oil.
The natural resources of region includes rice, corn, vegetables and fruits generally. Limestone is another natural resource of region 1.
Give examples and effects of overutilisation of natural resources
Some natural resources are water, soil, sunlight, vegetation, coal, and metals.
Natural resources
natural resouces
Daylight, sunlight and skylight or all natural sources of light.
natural resources.
There are many examples of natural resources. Some of these include the ocean, forest, plants, animals, as well as minerals.
Some examples of natural resources found in Canada include:CoalMineralsTimberOilNatural GasHydroElectric Energy (Energy from dams)FishingAgriculture
Soil, climate
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