yes they are one of the 7 physical properties===========================Would they not be 2 of the 7 ?
What is the physical properties for fine sea salt
Some antonyms for physical properties are abstract properties, immaterial properties, or conceptual properties. These terms describe characteristics that are not related to the physical attributes of an object or substance.
3 physical properties of a pencil are it is sharp it is yellow and is wooden.
The physical properties of the meteors are that they are rocky and parts of other asteroids.
The chemical name of aspartame is methyl L-α-aspartyl-L-phenylalaninate. Aspartame is easily hydrolyzed.
yes they are one of the 7 physical properties===========================Would they not be 2 of the 7 ?
physical guantityby Brittney S
Two physical properties of pencil lead are its gray color and its smooth, solid texture.
there are 4 main types of physical properties 1. Appearance 2. luster 3.Density 4.colour
there are 4 main types of physical properties 1. Appearance 2. luster 3.Density 4.colour
The chemical symbol of carbon is C. Two physical properties are (1) solid at room temperature and (2) high melting point.
The 5 physical properties are: 1. Mass 2. Strength 3. Ductility 4. Conductivity 5. Temperature stability
physical qualityby Brittney S
The physical properties of a textbook are **************************
The separation of mixtures is based on the differences in physical or chemical properties of the substances involved. Methods such as filtration, distillation, chromatography, and evaporation are used to separate mixtures based on these differences.