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Webbed feet animals, like frogs/toads, normally live in small ponds, river banks, streams or shallow waters. Ducks, for an example, can live in rivers or lakes, or even high or shallow waters. It isn't known for ducks or frogs or swans or webbed feet animals to live in the sea.

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8mo ago

A beaver is an example of an animal with webbed feet and fur. Beavers have webbed hind feet to help them swim, and their fur is dense and waterproof to keep them warm in the water.

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13y ago

Platypuses have webbed feet and fur. Platypuses are native animals in Australia. They are monotremes (egg-laying mammals).

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14y ago

Birds with webbed feet live around the water.

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Do platypuses have fur on their feet?

Platypuses do not have fur on the actual webbed part of their feet. The fur on their feet reaches to the edge of the webbed part.

What names are webbed feet animals?

mostly ducks have webbed feet

Are animals with webbed feet for water?

yes they can swim in water if they have webbed feet

What types of animals have webbed feet?

A penguin

Why caiman have webbed feet?

They swim a lot. animals that swim very often have webbed feet to allow them to swim better.

From what animal do platypuses get their webbed feet?

Platypuses are not a mix of any other animals. The webbed feet they have are entirely their own, and always have been.

Why are webbed feet useful to water birds?

Webbed feet help animals swim. There are many reasons that this helps them survive in their environment. It helps them swim, which helps them catch prey and escape predators. Webbed feet help beavers make their dam. They help animals just get around in general

Are Webbed feet an adaptation for swimming?

If you are talking about humans, it it genetics, if you are talking about animals, it is the evolution of genetics, and I guess you could say their feet became webbed for swimming.

Do animals with webbed feet have better mobility in water than those with clawed feet?

Yes. Webbed feet are better for animals who live close to water and dive for food. Clawed feet are better for climbing through trees and other objects to get food.

What does a pladapus look like?

A platypus is a unique mammal with a duck-like bill, a beaver-like tail, and webbed feet. They have thick fur that is brown in color, and they also have venomous spurs on their hind legs. Platypuses are known for their quirky appearance and combination of features from various animals.

What animals have webbed feet groom their babies and eat seals?

I think it is a Walrus

Do falcons have webbed feet?

No. They have talons. Seriously, webbed feet are only found in birds that swim in the water, while falcons are known for flying at high speeds, not for swimming.