Rabbits - they eat grass, vegetables, and hay. Elephants - they consume leaves, twigs, fruits, and grass. Giraffes - they feed on leaves, buds, and shoots from tall trees. Cows - they graze on grass and hay.
There is no known flower that actively hunts and eats animals, including humans. However, there are plants like the Venus flytrap that are carnivorous and trap insects for nutrients, but they do not pose a danger to humans.
Eat the pomegranate seeds, not the flower.
The flower will grow because the stuff the monster eat help the flower grow.
The juice from a flower is called nectar. Two animals that eat nectar as a source of energy are bumble bees and butterflies. Many insects consume nectar, and those are just two examples.
Ants love the nectar of peony buds.
They eat B****
purple loosestrife eat everything in there path the purple loosestrife ae complete monsters that divore everything metal, animals, people, food, and there favorite thing to eat is caramel cheese cake.
The "bleeding heart" flower is a poisonous flower so not many to not at all animals can eat it.
The larva of Primrose moths eat the flower buds of Evening Primrose. The adults commonly feed on the nectar of various flowers.
Rabbits, deer & bear eat the young flower buds of the prickly pear cactus.
Some edible buds include broccoli buds, cauliflower buds, and Brussels sprouts buds. These buds are often enjoyed as part of a meal and can be cooked in various ways, such as steaming, roasting, or sautéing. Additionally, flower buds from certain plants like nasturtiums and daylilies are also edible.
When your're eating Broccoli, your acually eating the flower buds of the plant. if you ever grow it and wait too long, the the part of broccoli you eat will turn into lots of yellow flowers.
White giraffes will typically eat shrubs and flower buds located on high trees. However, they are known as browsers. They will eat mostly any type of plant life.
The whole plant is Broccoli. RThe part you eat is the curd in the middle which is actually the flower buds.
spinach-leaf and stem mustard-stem,leaf and seed radish-leaf and root banana-fruit,stem,root and flower pumpkin-fruit and flower
Herbaceous insects will eat spruce buds.