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Q: What advantage does a eukaryote cell gain by having a nuclear envelope?
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Related questions

What are organisms whose cells have a nucleus and membrane bound organelles?

Organisms with nuclear membrane are called eukaryotic cell.

What is the advantage of having nuclear weapon?

When Someone Wants A Nuclear War , You Are Defended

The genetic center of the eukaryotic cell is the?

Okay, I'll save you the trouble of looking it up on Wikipedia and actually having to read. Nucleus or Nuclear envelope.

What is an advantage to having nuclear submarines?

The main advantage to having nuclear powered submarines is that a nuclear powered submarine can, if designed wisely, stay submerged for months on end. The only limitation really is food and the crew's psychological state. This is extremely useful in nuclear deterrance considering that a nation can send out nuclear powered, nuclear weapon equipped submarines on patrol for use in case of a nuclear exchange. If an attacking nation destroys the missiles silos of it's target and it's nuclear armed bomber wings, the defending nation would still have the use of it's nuclear weapons onboard it's ballistic missile submarines.

What is the advantage of having nuclear physics Math worksheet?

The version I had was β€œit is better than the old cloudy kind” ...haha...

How can you tell a cell is a eukaryote?

Main feature is having an organized nucleus.Also they have membranous organelles.

Is a chloroplast a eukaryote or parakaryote structure?

IT is part of both actully...BUT eukaryote is having more advanced cytoplasm with more cell organlees...and prokaryote i shaving less cell organlees...

How are the nuclear envelope nucleolus and chromosomes relatedto one another briefly descriebe each of these structures?

The nucleus consists of two membranes, one called the NUCLEAR ENVELOPE. The nuclear envelope surrounds the cell's genetic information. This genetic information is contained in structures called CHROMOSOMES. In addition to chromosomes, most nuclei contain a region called the NUCLEOLUS.

What are some nuclear survival strategies?

Not having a nuclear war!

What is the advantage of having a nanny goat?

advantage is nothing... :)

What is the advantage for having argon in the atmosphere?

There is no particular advantage.

What is an advantage of having a phone?

The advantage of having a phone is that it makes communication much easier and faster.