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A bear that eats a fish that ate bugs that ate algae is a

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Q: What a bear that eats a fish that ate bugs that ate algae is?
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What is a bear that eats a fish that ate bugs that ate algae is a?

secondary consumer

An example of a food chain that would occur in a pond?

A example of a food chain in a pond would be the grass at the bottom and the bugs eat the grass and the frog eats the bugs and the fish eats the frog and a bigger fish eat the fish and the snake eats the fish and last of all the the owl eats the snake and hawk attacks and kills the owl to get the snake

What organism eats algae?


What type of fish eats algae in fresh water lakes?

Some examples of fish that eat algae in freshwater lakes include catfish, tilapia, and grass carp. These fish help keep the algae levels in check and maintain the balance of the ecosystem.

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Do snapping turtles affect fish population?

Not really, its the life cycle. the fish breeds, the turtle eats some of the fish, the fish left breed more fish! its how life goes. an example might be.... the mama bug has baby bugs, the baby bugs grow up, the frog eats some of the bugs, the snake eats the frog, the snake dies. then the bugs left, have more bugs, and it happens all over again.

What fish eats algae?

Many species of fish, such as plecos, mollies, and Siamese algae eaters, feed on algae. These fish help to control algae growth in aquariums and ponds by consuming the algae as part of their diet. Algae-eating fish can be a natural and effective way to keep algae levels in check in aquatic environments.

What eats a rosy barb?

barb fish eat algae

Is the blue heron a primary or secondary carnivore?

i think a heron is a secondary carnivore because it eats this type of fish and that fish eats algae. so basically the fish eats algae and other stuff which makes it a primary. if the heron eats the primary it would be a secondary. ISABELLA 4TH GRADER

What do raccoons eat that eats algae?

Snails and some fish eat algae and both are eaten by raccoons

What does a pup fish eat?

a Pupfish eats diatoms and algae. bye

The series of steps in which a large fish eats a small fish that has eaten algae is called?

A foodchain.