North America
New York City is the closest city to the coordinates 40 degrees north latitude and 74 degrees west longitude.
Columbus, Ohio
The coordinates 10 degrees north and 40 degrees west point to the Atlantic Ocean, near the coast of Brazil. There is no specific city or country located at these coordinates.
The capital city at the intersection of 40 degrees north latitude and 50 degrees east longitude is Tehran, the capital of Iran.
North America
North America
North America
North America
37 degrees north, 40 degrees north
Europe, Asia, and North America are
Country: United States of America. State: Colorado
New York City is the closest city to the coordinates 40 degrees north latitude and 74 degrees west longitude.
A city cannot move its location. One city has to be at 30 degrees North, and the other at 40 degrees North. The one at 30 will be warmer.
Columbus, the capital city of Ohio, is located at 40 degrees North and 83 degrees West. It is also the largest city in Ohio.
Columbus, Ohio