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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 1w ago

Ozone is the gas produced by ultraviolet radiation in the air near welding operations. Ultraviolet radiation can break down oxygen molecules in the air into oxygen atoms, which can then combine to form ozone. Ozone can be harmful to human health and the environment.

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Q: What Is the gas that is produced by the ultraviolet radiation in the air in the vicinity of welding operations?
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No, halogen heaters do not emit harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation like the sun does, so they cannot cause sunburn. They produce radiant heat through halogen elements, which warms objects and people in their vicinity without emitting UV rays.

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A heat lamp primarily emits radiation to generate heat. The infrared radiation produced by the lamp heats objects and surfaces in its vicinity through electromagnetic waves, providing warmth in the room. Heat transfer through conduction or convection would involve physical contact or movement of air molecules, which isn't the main mechanism of heat transfer in a heat lamp.

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Yes, the heat you feel from a fireplace is primarily in the form of radiation. As the fire heats up, it emits infrared radiation that warms objects and people in its vicinity. This is why you can feel the warmth even if you are not directly in front of the fire.

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What is bremsstrahlung?

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What part of the electromagnetic spectrum do animals see?

Different animals see different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. For example, birds can see in ultraviolet light, while snakes can detect infrared radiation. Humans primarily see in the visible light spectrum.

Does a light bulb heat the air around it by conduction or radiation?

A light bulb heats the air around it through radiation. As the filament heats up and emits light, it also emits infrared radiation that warms up the air in its vicinity. This is why you can feel the warmth when you are near a lit light bulb.

What electromagnetic wave transfers thermal or heat energy from a fire place?

Infrared radiation is the electromagnetic wave that transfers thermal energy from a fireplace to warm objects or people in its vicinity. It is not visible to the human eye but can be felt as heat.

Where was radiation created?

Radiation is a natural phenomenon that has existed since the creation of the universe. It can be found in various forms throughout the universe, including cosmic radiation from outer space, radioactive decay in rocks and minerals on Earth, and electromagnetic radiation emitted by stars and other celestial bodies.

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