Rivers like the Nile in Egypt, Tigris and Euphrates in Mesopotamia, and the Indus in the Indian subcontinent influenced early civilizations by providing water for agriculture, transportation, and trade. These rivers also deposited rich soil during floods, allowing for fertile farming land that sustained populations.
Geography influenced classical civilizations in various ways. It determined resource availability, trade routes, and communication networks. For example, the Nile River enabled agricultural prosperity in ancient Egypt, while the mountainous terrain of Greece led to the development of independent city-states. Geographical barriers could also provide protection or isolation for civilizations.
Mercury: Known to ancient civilizations. Venus: Known to ancient civilizations. Earth: Known to ancient civilizations. Mars: Known to ancient civilizations. Jupiter: Known to ancient civilizations. Saturn: Known to ancient civilizations. Uranus: Discovered by William Herschel in 1781. Neptune: Discovered by Johann Galle and Heinrich d'Arrest in 1846. Pluto: Discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930 (now considered a dwarf planet).
China's geography influenced the development and distribution of different groups of people. Natural barriers like mountains and deserts isolated groups, leading to distinct regional cultures. The presence of major rivers like the Yellow and Yangtze facilitated agricultural development and the growth of ancient civilizations.
The ancient civilizations that shaped early Europe include the Greeks, Romans, and Celts. The Greeks influenced European culture through their philosophy, art, and architecture, while the Romans brought their system of governance, engineering, and legal principles. The Celts, with their distinct language and customs, had a significant impact on the development of early European societies.
The geographical features shared by all four ancient empires include a coastline, rivers, and low elevation.
Their fertility and water supply.
Fertile soils mainly.
Since ancient Egypt was one of the first civilizations, they actually influenced many civilizations. However, Mesopotamia, Rome, and Greece influenced Egypt.
Most ancient civilizations have contributed to the development of science & technology.Chinese,Indian,Egyptian civilizations have contributed largely.
rome moro and africa
The Adamic language alphabet is significant in the study of ancient civilizations because it is believed to be the original language spoken by Adam in the Bible. Some scholars suggest that this alphabet may have influenced the development of other ancient writing systems, providing insights into the origins of human language and communication.
Geography influenced classical civilizations in various ways. It determined resource availability, trade routes, and communication networks. For example, the Nile River enabled agricultural prosperity in ancient Egypt, while the mountainous terrain of Greece led to the development of independent city-states. Geographical barriers could also provide protection or isolation for civilizations.
A mother culture is a civilization that has a significant influence on the development of other societies. An example is the Sumerian civilization, known for its advancements in writing, agriculture, and urban planning, which influenced the development of other ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia.
the introduction of monotheism,and judeo-christian values.
Ancient Greece influenced much of the modern world and other civilizations of the time. The Roman Empire would have a very different religion without the Ancient Greeks.