The city with the latitude 33 N and longitude 117 W is Los Angeles, California in the United States.
The city at 33 Latitude N and 117 Longitude W is San Diego, California.
That's in the mountains outside San Diego, the closest city is Escondido.
The city located at 33°S latitude and 18°E longitude is Cape Town, South Africa.
Creighton, South Africa
Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan, is located at approximately 33.6844° N latitude and 73.0479° E longitude.
The city at 33 Latitude N and 117 Longitude W is San Diego, California.
That's in the mountains outside San Diego, the closest city is Escondido.
The city located at 33°S latitude and 18°E longitude is Cape Town, South Africa.
Madrid Spain
Creighton, South Africa
Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan, is located at approximately 33.6844° N latitude and 73.0479° E longitude.
That point is in east-central Iraq, about 33 miles southwest of the center of Baghdad.
Tucson, Arizona
Longitude :33° 00'N Latitude: latitude :35° 50'E
Ankara, Turkey.
Porterville, South Africa
Blue Sky Ecological Reserve