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Chromosomes are made of protein and DNA.

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Q: What 11 letter word is made of protein and DNA?
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What is made of DNA and found on chromosomes?

Dna and protein

Is DNA a protein or not?

That depends. DNA undergoing replication is assisted by varieties of proteins to make a new strand. Also, in order for DNA to be coiled into chromosomes, the DNA must be wrapped around the protein histone. But in the actual structure of DNA, no, there are no proteins.

What are chromosomes in the nucleus made of?

DNA and protein

What is a pathogen that is made of nucleic acid either RNA or DNA surrounded by protein?

Viruses are pathogens made from RNA or DNA and are encapsulated in a protein shell.

What is a pathogen that is made of nucleic acid (either RNA or DNA) surrounded by protein?

Viruses are pathogens made from RNA or DNA and are encapsulated in a protein shell.

What macromolecule is made from a sequence of DNA bases?


What are the structures in the nucleus made of DNA and protein?


What is mitosis made up of?

It is made up of Protein and DNA. -sierra

What is it made of?

DNA is made of protein. It's chemical forumla is C232N92O139P22

What is a DNA a building block for?

Protein is made from the codes of DNA. The DNA itself is not a building block for anything.

What is a Dna letter made of?

The Dna letter is a nucleotide base. It is made from a series of nucleotide base substrates.

Where in the cell is protein made?

Protein is made in the ribosome.