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If the core of the Earth had stopped spinning, then we would all die. Let me explain how we would all be killed. First, minor things will happen, EMP's would occur, frying electronics worldwide. After that, it would take months of slow destruction. Slowly and slowly, the Earth Electromagnetic Field would deteriorate. Now I am now Geologist, but I do know that this actually protects us from massive waves of particles and microwaves shot from the sun in all directions, known as "Solar Flares". With that gone the Solar Flares will roast everything, and there will be absolutely no chance any life on Earth will exist again. So, it is best to thank our Earth for all the wonderful benefits that it is giving us. As that we do not have the technology for getting everyone off the Earth and to a more safe place. With the rate technology is advancing, we could possibly start it withing the next 100-300 years. I am not sure of this completely, but as you know, this process can take thousands to millions of years. And by then, I am sure we would have the technology to escape. So right now, we are fine. Enjoy life as much as you can.

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Edward Sporer

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3y ago
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14y ago

This is a theoretical question; if the Earth suddenly stopped rotating, humans would probably not die instantly at all.

Most parts of a planet that does not rotate at all would actually still occasionally get some sun. A day would become the same length as a year. Most parts of the Earth would then spend about 3 months of every year in darkness, but they would spend 9 months with at least some light. Plants and animals that can survive for 3 months without exposure to the sun would easily survive. Human beings would probably survive and develop technological means for assisting other humans, plants, and animals to adapt or survive the dark parts of the year.

By contrast, a planet that always shows the same hemisphere toward the sun actually still is rotating. You can test this by observing how the hemispheres of a Basketball (representing the sun) and a Baseball (representing the Earth) face each other depending on whether the baseball is spinning or not.


Alternate view:

If the earth stopped spinning in an instant, virtually all people on the planet would die. Some may survive who are very close to the poles. At the equator, the earth is spinning at close to 1,000 mph. Everything on the earth is moving along at the same clip. The rotational movement at the poles is very small. If the earth stops, all the people and all other physical things on the earth will continue to move as before. At the equator, this means that you would be instantly hurled into the air at 1,000 miles per hour. Water, too, will keep moving, and this alone would wipe out most of civilization. It would be a very ugly, devastating scene.

it is near impossible that the world will ever stop spinning but if it did most water on the world would flow to the poles and a mega Continent would form around the equator the pole would probably flood. we would also be fully exposed to solar flares which are usually deflected away from us by the magnetic field above us but it is no longer there because were not spinning the solar flares would burn trails through the earth. air would dissipate quickly, most of the left air would go to the north of the USA and Canada.

short answer: most people will die if not near tip of USA or middle of mega continent

if want to know more watch "aftermath : when the world stops spinning"

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6y ago

If the earth stopped spinning, it'll trigger some abominable effects. Just after the earth suddenly stopped spinning, things would float away eastwards rapidly and it might be hard to resist this momentum. This momentum might cause great damage like wildfires or the nuclear power plants would explode, which can be radioactively dangerous. The momentum would carry large tsunamis to the land. The earth's spinning keeps a constant temperature, so everywhere receives the right amount of light, heat and cold. Without the constant temperature change, the sun-facing side would gradually heat up and burn and the darkness-facing side would gradually cool down and freeze. The earth's spinning also keeps the continents and oceans stable. With the ceased earth's spinning, the bulge will change it's shape, so the earth would be a global ocean with a giant continent wrapped around the middle. The earth's spinning gives of magnetic momentum to the inner core which maintains the earth's magnetic field. The earth's magnetic field is essential because they sucks in or consume any gamma rays from space like solar winds and cosmic rays, which is very dangerous to life. The magnetic momentum won't disappear right after the earth stopped spinning but the lack of spin wouldn't be able to maintain the magnetic momentum for a long time, so it'll begin to gradually dissipate. As the magnetic momentum dissipates, the earth's magnetic field will also gradually weaken and fade away. With a weaker magnetic field, it won't be enough force to protect earth from the cosmic gamma radiations. When the momentum completely dissipates, the earth's magnetic field will cease to exist. When this happens, the space gamma radiations like the solar wind and the cosmic ray would reach down earth and can wipe out all life, which might be the end of the world. That's why the earth's spinning is essential to life. This is just an animation and it'll never happen ad the earth's spinning is very stably constant, so don't worry.

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8y ago

The first and most significant effect is that the energy released at the moment the rotation stopped would be more than enough to melt the entire surface of the earth and everything on it!

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Q: What would happen if the Earth stopped spinning?
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If earth stopped spinning would it loose atmosphere?

If Earth's rotation suddenly stopped, the atmosphere would not be lost. However, there could be significant changes in atmospheric circulation patterns and temperature gradients, potentially leading to extreme weather conditions.

What would happen to the rock cycle if earth's interior cooled so much that plate motions stopped?

i dont know

How would conditions on Earth change if earth stopped rotating on its axis?

If the earth stopped spinning on its axis but continued rotating round the sun, then we would have 6 months of daylight and 6 months of dark (not precisely, of course. There would be lots of "dusk" in between). The three strongest months of daylight would still be our summer. All the seasons would remain. Winter would not only be cold. It would also be completely dark for three months.If the earth continued spinning on its axis but stopped rotating round the sun, then we would lose our seasons. We would have day and night every 24 hours, but January would be the same temperature as July. All months in any one country would be the same temperature. But if the rotating stopped during the northern summer (that is, when the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun) then the northern hemisphere would have continual summer and the southern hemisphere would have continual winter.If the earth stopped spinning on its axis AND stopped rotating round the sun we would become rather like the moon. One half of the earth would be continuously dark (and cold) and the other half would be continuously light (and warm). The countries with the sun immediately above them would be hottest, and the countries on the edges of the sunlight would be cooler. There would probably be lots of migrants looking for a place in the sun! Presumably they could bring all their solar farms with them.+++This makes two fundamental mistakes - apart from there being no conceivable mechanism to bring the Earth to a stop.'1) The question asks what if the Earth stops spinning on its axis. The answer above explains what would happen if it slowed to a "day" lasting a full year, i.e. still rotating but extremely slowly, but still orbiting the Sun. The Moon's own rotation and orbit around the Earth obey this sort of synchronicity. If rotation stops completely but the orbit remains, one "side" ("side" of a sphere?) would be in permanent sunlight and the other in permanent darkness.'2) If the orbit were to stop, irrespective of rotation, the Earth would "fall" into the Sun!

What would happen if the cell cycle stopped?

All life would end

What would happen if a meteorite had to hit earth?

the earth would be destroyed

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Would you weigh more if the earth stopped spinning?

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What happens to duration of day when earth stops spinning?

The duration of the day is directly related to Earth's rotation (spinning). If Earth would spin slower, the days would get longer. This is not hypothetical; Earth is indeed spinning slower and slower - although that's not a quick process, but one that has been going on for millions of years. In the hypothetical case that Earth stopped spinning altogether - though this is not likely to happen - the length of a day would be equal to a year; sunrise and sunset would be caused by Earth's movement around the Sun.

If the earth stopped spinning would the atmosphere on the night side freeze out?

Most definitely but it would take a while

If earth was not spinning there be no?

If the Earth stopped spinning completely, there would be just one day and one night a year. Six months of daylight would be followed by six months of night. ... The spinning of the Earth is also partially responsible for the Earth's magnetic field. No spin means no magnetic field HOPE THAT HELP!

If earth stopped spinning would it loose atmosphere?

If Earth's rotation suddenly stopped, the atmosphere would not be lost. However, there could be significant changes in atmospheric circulation patterns and temperature gradients, potentially leading to extreme weather conditions.

Would earth change tilt if stopped spinning?

The "tilt" is related to Earth's axis of rotation; both the axis of rotation and the tilt would be undefined if there were no rotation.

What would happen if earths supply of energy stopped?

If the earth's supply of energy stopped, Caveman time!

What will happen if the earth started rotating faster?

It would effect the earth's electromagnetic field as it is the spinning of the earth's core that creates the field.

What will happen if the rotation of earth is stopped?

If the rotation of Earth were to stop suddenly, everything not securely attached to the ground would be launched eastward due to inertia. The atmosphere would continue to move at Earth's previous rotational velocity, causing devastating winds. Day and night would each last about six months.

What Would Happen If The World Quit Spinning?

If the world stopped spinning it would do it gradually and each side of the world would either get the Sun for a whole year or darkness for a year. There would be no more northern lights and the protection of cosmic rays would vanish along with other high energy particles. When the world stops spinning completely then one side of the earth would be in a total eclipse and the other would be in constant sunshine each year, in and out. This is true but actually we would either be in light or darkness for only 6 months. Because IF the world stopped spinning but revolved around the sun then we would be in darkness or light for 6 months BECAUSE when the earth goes around the sun it will be transferring from one season to the other.

What will happen if the earth starts rotating at a faster speed?

I'm sure it would effect the earth's electromagnetic field as it is the spinning of the earth's core that creates the field.