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they where slowly killed by raining rocks from the volcano, that soon weighed down roofs until they crushed people, and ash clouds. But they where soon finished off by a second pyroclastic shock. people died almost instantly

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12y ago
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4mo ago

Yes, some people survived the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD by fleeing the area quickly or finding shelter. For example, the historian Pliny the Younger survived by escaping by boat. Archaeological evidence also suggests that some people may have taken shelter in sturdy structures and survived the initial eruption.

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13y ago

The city was buried under a volcanic eruption

The people were buried alive in a pyroclastic flow

and covered in ash and buried under 2 layers

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15y ago

i think most of the survivors must of moved to rome or some town close by

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13y ago

yes there were some survivers but nobody knows how many

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13y ago

Yes, there were many.

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Q: Were there any survivors from Mount Vesuvius?
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Mount Vesuvius (in Italian: Monte Vesuvio. in Latin: Mons Vesuvius).

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Yes, Mount Vesuvius is sometimes referred to as "Mount Vesuvio" or simply "Vesuvio" by locals. It does not have many other well-known nicknames.

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There is no telling when Mount Vesuvius will erupt next.

Is mount vesuvius extinct?

Mount Vesuvius is dormant (sleeping), not extinct.

Who discovered mount Vesuvius.?

Mount Vesuvius was likely first seen by primitive hunter-gatherers long before any sort of writing system was established.

Was the city destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius?

Mount Vesuvius destroyed the city of Pompeii.

What country is mount Vesuvius?

Mount Vesuvius about 9 km east of Naples, Italy.

When did mount vesuvius happen?

mount vesuvius happened in the morning of august 24th A.D