Yes. The Union and the Confederate armies both used them for spying during the Civil War.
Helium is a gas used to inflate lighter than air balloons.
Helium is commonly used to fill balloons. It is non-flammable and lighter than air, allowing balloons to float.
Gases used are: air (and hot air), helium.
Hydrogen, until the Hindenburg,then everyone realized that "Hey, Hydrogen isn't that safe to use!"Hot air balloons, you mean?? Just air that is hot.Actual hand balloons and such? Helium or again, just air. Helium floats better because it is lighter than the surrounding air around it. Helium and air are still used in both.
Helium gas is used to fill balloons to make them lighter than air. Helium is less dense than the surrounding air, causing the balloons to float.
No. They had observation balloons.
Hot air balloons were important during the Civil War because they were used for reconnaissance missions to gather information on enemy positions and movements. This aerial surveillance provided valuable intelligence to both Union and Confederate armies, allowing them to make informed strategic decisions on the battlefield. Additionally, balloons helped to revolutionize military surveillance and reconnaissance tactics during this time.
the civil war of which country?
Hot air balloons
To spy on the enemy
The Civil war
The first use of hot air balloons was in the American Civil War for surveillance of troop movements.
Hot air balloons
Hot air balloons
They were used for reconnaissance of troops in the civil war. They were the first type of "spy" from the air.
both sides used it to spy on each other
Hot air balloons were used to spy on the enemy. They were also used to communicate, send supplies, and drop bombs.