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Where the Earth's tectonic plates lie.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Volcanoes appear most frequently along the boundaries of tectonic plates, such as the Pacific Ring of Fire, where many active volcanoes are found. These regions experience high levels of seismic and volcanic activity due to the movement and interactions of Earth's tectonic plates.

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Where do most volcanoes appear on the earth surfaces?

Where ever there are hotspots

Are there volcanoes on Antarctica?

yes one of the most popular volcano on Antarctic is mount Erebus

Where do volcanos happen?

Most volcanoes appear at the tectonic plate boundaries where friction between the plates and the mantle makes magma which then push through near the plate boundaries forming volcanoes.

Can volcanoes appear anywhere on earth?

Not just anywhere. Most volcanoes are located at plate boundaries. The rest are located at locations called hot spots.

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How does Mars have volcanoes and ice on it?

In the same way that the Earth has volcanoes and ice. However, Martian volcanoes do not appear to be active.

Where do volcanoes that are far from the margins of the tectonic plates appear?

These volcanoes are believed to be above local 'hot spots' on the surface. Hawaii would be the prime example. Most volcanoes occur above the subduction zones at a merging plate boundary. But volcanoes also appear directly at the expanding junction of a pair of plates. Iceland, and some of the South Atlantic islands are examples of this.

Where are volcanoes most likely to appear?

they mostly a occur in the pacific ocean some people call it the ring of fire

Do volcanoes erupt in warm countries only?

No. Where volcanoes appear is not affected by climate. There are volcanoes in places such as Iceland, Alaska, and Antarctica.

Does the ring of fire have the most volcanoes on earth?

It has the most active volcanoes, having about 452 active volcanoes. It is a question of having the most volcanoes.

Where are most volcanoes today?

Volcanoes are usually in Hawaii.

What type of volcanoes are the hawaiianislands?

Most are shield volcanoes.