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Yes. All dinosaurs were two legged to run fast and catch prey.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 8mo ago

No, not all carnivorous dinosaurs walked on two legs. Some carnivorous dinosaurs, like the theropods, were bipedal, walking on two legs. However, others, such as the ceratosaurs, were quadrupedal, walking on four legs.

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Q: Were all carnivore dinosaurs walk on two legs?
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What is another for a dinosaurs with two legs?

Dinosaurs that walk on two legs are called "bipeds". The term applies to all animals that walk on two legs.

Is it true that dinosaurs with 2 legs were carnivores whilst dinosaurs with 4 legs were herbivores?

While many bipedal dinosaurs were carnivores, not all of them were. Similarly, while some quadrupedal dinosaurs were herbivores, not all of them were. Diet was determined by various factors such as tooth structure, jaw shape, and feeding adaptations, rather than simply the number of legs.

Does a velociraptor walk on four legs?

No, it possessed two massive legs and two small arms.

How many legs did dinosaurs have?

All dinosaurs had four limbs. Some dinosaurs, like Tyrannosaurus and Allosaurus, were bipeds, which means that they only walked using their two hind limbs. Other dinosaurs, like Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, and Diplodocus, always walked on all four limbs, making them quadrupeds. And some dinosaurs walked on all fours, but ran on their two hind legs. Examples of such dinosaurs include Igaunodon and Parasaurolophus.

Do all the carnivore dinosaurs walk on four legs?

It´s likely they could perch on two legs. However, looking at their short, webbed, hind legs, it´s likely they had a hard time bouncing around like birds do. Besides, looking at gliding reptiles today, it´s most likely that pterodactyls evolved from four legged reptiles similar to lizards, which suggests that they must have felt more comfortable walking on their four legs instead of two.

What were dinosaurs that walked on four legs called?

Any animal that walks on four legs is called quadrupedal. Quadrupedal dinosaurs include sauropods, stegosaurs, ceratopsians, and ankylosaurs. Hadrosaurs could were usually quadrupedal, but could walk, stand, or run on two legs.

What do you call a dinosaur that walks on two legs?

Since the Triassic period was the time of the first dinosaurs, herbivores and carnivores were known to walk on 2 legs. Examples are:CorythosaurusCaseosaurusTechnosaurusShuvosaurus

Do giant pandas walk on 2 legs?

panda bears walk on all 4 legs and it takes a while but still as i said they walk on all 4 legs

Does a raccoon walk on it's hind legs or crawl?

Raccoons, like dogs, can walk short distances on two legs but almost always walk on all fours.

Can typlosian walk on all 4 legs?

in the pokemon world,it can walk on all fours

What walks on 4 legs?

The triceratops. All the long neck dinosaurs such as Brachiosaurus

How does a person walk on 4 legs one day 2 legs another day and 3 legs one more day?

walks on 4 legs when you crawl 2 legs when you walk and 3 when you walk with 2 legs and a cane Age. We all walk on four legs as a baby, two legs as an adult, and three legs as an old person with a cane.